2017-10-03T07:51:43Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
I am bookending SeaGL's schedule this year. The first hour of presentations includes my SSH talk and the last hour includes my intermediate Bash talk.
SSH and the shell: go forth securely
Intermediate shell scripting: getting more bash for your $
Lots of other great presentations scheduled at this great conference this weekend in Seattle, some even at the same time as my presentations.
Stick around for the after-conference party Saturday night as well.
#FLOSSconference #GNU/Linux #Seattle #SSH #shell #bash
https://osem.seagl.org/conferences/seagl2017/scheduleCharles Stanhope likes this.
2017-09-30T07:49:56Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
"If you can't treat someone from another gender with dignity and respect, then you need to get out. If you demean someone in any way, you need to get out. If you can't treat someone from another race, or different color skin, with dignity and respect, then you need to get out." - Lt. Gen. Jay B. Silveria, 2017Sep28
#EqualRights #NoHate #CheckEntitlements #StandWithCharlottesville
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/29/us/air-force-academy-racial-slurs.htmlJason Self likes this.
Scorpio, Scorpio, Scorpio, Jason Self shared this.
2017-09-28T14:47:44Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
CryptoParty this Sunday afternoon.
October 1st, from 15:00 to 17:00.
Get started with digital security at CryptoParty in Phoenix.
Are you a journalist, activist or anyone that wants to protect their email,
personal information and other stuff too? Stop by the CryptoParty to learn how!
Free yubikey for first 10 attendees ( normally $40 each )
Flyer: https://plus.google.com/+YaelGrauer/posts/NgLn8rSoyqY
#security #FLOSS #CryptoParty2017-09-22T08:35:27Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
CryptoParty in Phoenix, afternoon of October 1st from 15:00 to 17:00
Megaphone PHX, 4700 N Central Ave, Ste 112
#CryptoParty #security #privacy #AZactivism #AZresist
https://www.cryptoparty.in/phoenix2017-09-21T09:25:41Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
NdT talks with the finance hosts about how science is relevant and the costs of ignoring climate change. And hurricane season is a good time to talk about it because nature is hitting us in the face with the effect of climate change.
#ScienceIsReal #ClimateChange #ExxonKnew #HumanDignity #UnravellingOfAnInformedDemocracy #UOAID #NdT
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIfc5Oo0hkc2017-09-18T20:16:22Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Apache issue mostly for shared environments, but check your .htaccess use of Limit
#security #apache #http #CVE
https://blog.fuzzing-project.org/60-Optionsbleed-HTTP-OPTIONS-method-can-leak-Apaches-server-memory....2017-09-18T20:14:01Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
IETF draft for announcing how to disclose security issues.
#This is a comment
Contact: security@example.com
Contact: +1-201-555-0123
Contact: https://example.com/security
Encryption: https://example.com/pgp-key.txt
Acknowledgement: https://example.com/acknowledgements.html
Disclosure: Full
https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/security-txt-standard-proposed-similar-to-robots-txt/clacke@libranet.de ❌, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
clacke@libranet.de ❌, Charles Stanhope shared this.
That's a really good idea.Charles Stanhope at 2017-09-19T02:09:50Z
der.hans, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
2017-09-18T19:50:00Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
EFF resigning from w3c over w3c endorsement for DRM and lack of protection for security researchers
"Today, the W3C bequeaths an legally unauditable attack-surface to browsers used by billions of people. They give media companies the power to sue or intimidate away those who might re-purpose video for people with disabilities. They side against the archivists who are scrambling to preserve the public record of our era. The W3C process has been abused by companies that made their fortunes by upsetting the established order, and now, thanks to EME, they’ll be able to ensure no one ever subjects them to the same innovative pressures."
#DRMfree #OpenStandards #CoryDoctorow #EFFScorpio, Scorpio, Scorpio, Scorpio and 4 others shared this.
2017-09-07T21:47:55Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Equifax hacked, details from 143 million *consumers* might be stolen.
Consumers because we aren't customers, we didn't ask equifax to store all our data.
So, the big question: will equifax now pay for credit monitoring for all 143 million people?
The data breach can be exploited such that credit requests go to other credit rating companies, so monitoring only equifax is not sufficient.
It's your data, you should have access to see what they have, especially when they're responsible for the data loss.
#InternetPrivacy #WhoOwnsIt #ConsumerProtections #EFF
http://www.reuters.com/article/us-equifax-cyber/equifax-says-hack-potentially-exposed-details-of-143...uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs likes this.
uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs, Christopher Allan Webber shared this.
I don't want credit monitoring from these companies. The companies that expose all our data are the same companies trying to sell us a service to protect that data. If they get something wrong or somebody
"steals our identity", we're responsible for correcting it. What a racket. It seems this "industry" externalizes all the costs to people whose information it collects and then exposes. They win no matter what happens.
I want them to pay for credit freezes. (I want them to do some other things too, but it wouldn't be polite to express those things aloud.)
Here's a link to Equifax's own page on the matter (in case it is useful): https://www.equifaxsecurity2017.com/Charles Stanhope at 2017-09-07T22:42:54Z
der.hans likes this.
you mean "will Equifax give all my info to a third party to monitor it after they got it taken by another third party" ?
The "credit report" business has to stop. (we have a similar sh*t in Canada with the same robber barons)Also they can't be sued if you use their website. It has an arbitration clause in the ToS. Until these are invalidated you are f*****.I went digging for the information I had bookmarked about security freezes and came across Brian Krebs' explanation: https://krebsonsecurity.com/2015/06/how-i-learned-to-stop-worrying-and-embrace-the-security-freeze/2017-09-07T14:16:24Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
SCaLE CFP is open.
Want to speak at a great Free Software conference in Southern California?
SCaLE returns to downtown Pasadena in March, 2018, for it's 16th annual community Free Software conference.
Review a sample track list on the CFP and schedules from the last two years for inspiration.
https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/16x/cfp2017-08-03T07:59:25Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
This ranks up there with Barnes and Noble citing really cheesy 70's British Sci Fi ( much cheesier even than The Doctor attacking himself with a prop tentacle or a prop 6' space locust ) as prior art in the rebuttal to Microsoft's outlandish patent claims.
Except, that wasn't an amicus brief, it was a response from the defendant. They also cited 2001 and lots of stuff broadcast before Microsoft existed. It was brilliant.
Anyway, read Masnick's entire article, it's worth it. Then read the brief as Masnick didn't quote all the fun parts.
"Apparently because Plaintiffs’ delicate sensibilities were offended, they clutched their pearls and filed this suit."
Bob has so much indignant entitlement.
#FreeSpeech #FrivolousLawsuits #BobMurrayIsAJerk #AllAboutBobMurray
https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20170802/00533937906/aclu-to-court-legal-to-tell-bob-to-eat-shit.s...2017-08-02T20:07:14Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
SeaGL cfp office hour today, 14:00 Seattle time.
This is the last regularly schedule office hour before the cfp deadline on Sunday.
Get your feedback today.
http://seagl.org/news/2017/06/19/CFP-open.html2017-07-18T08:03:48Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Tech resume review night in Mesa, AZ
In July we will have a resume review night before Stammtisch. The job event starts at 18:00, Stammtisch starts at the normal 19:00 time.
Tuesday, 2017Jul18 @ 18:00
We have quarterly job events before Stammtisch ( January, April, July, October ).
Resume review nights ( January and July ): bring your resume and questions for review by tech industry veterans. We can help with content, display and editing.
Job networking nights ( April and October ): we encourage engineers from groups that are hiring and hiring managers to attend. The goal is for prospective candidates to learn about the company and the actual job and for the team to have a chance to meet prospective candidates.
Boulders on Southern
1010 W Southern Ave, Mesa, AZ 85204
http://www.bouldersonsouthern.com/2017-07-05T21:34:58Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
2017-06-19T17:08:34Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
SeaGL 2017 CFP is open!
SeaGL is a great Free Software conference in Seattle. I was lucky enough to attend and present last year and found SeaGL to be exceptionally organized.
CFP Opens: June 19th, 2017
CFP Closes: August 6th, 2017 - Midnight PDT
The conference is Fri and Sat, October 6th and 7th in Seattle.
SeaGL has CFP office hours Wednesday afternoons at 14:00 Pacific Time.
http://seagl.org/news/2017/06/19/CFP-open.htmlCharles Stanhope likes this.
Charles Stanhope shared this.
2017-06-03T00:28:18Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
OneLogin breach, one key to rule them all...
https://techcrunch.com/2017/06/01/onelogin-admits-recent-breach-is-pretty-dang-serious/2017-06-02T19:19:11Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Happy Avagadro's Day! Enjoy 6.02 of something.
#MathGeekery #ScienceIsReal #ChemistryRocks
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avogadro_constant2017-06-02T01:54:01Z via AndStatus To: Public
Good analysis of the recent Artifex ruling. It does not uphold the GPL or count as precedent. It does reiterate there are potential merits to Artifex' case and also give credence to GPL as an enforceable contract. It also says contract monies are not necessarily the only revenues associated with making software freely available. Several layers of appeal are still available, but it's a quite favorable lower court ruling
https://www.fsf.org/blogs/licensing/motion-to-dismiss-denied-in-recent-gnu-gpl-case2017-06-01T19:18:57Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Austin mayor uses humor to respond to sexist rant.
"I am writing to alert you that your email account has been hacked by an unfortunate and unusually hostile individual. Please remedy your account’s security right away, lest this person’s uninformed and sexist rantings give you a bad name."
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/austin-mayor-wonder-woman-sexist-critic-1009343Charles Stanhope likes this.