Christopher Parker
Malden, United States
JavaScript jockey and free software advocate. Proud father and husband. All around cool guy. For hire.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz at 2011-09-14T21:25:31+00:00
Nokia Puts Qt In Cars, Announces Nokia Car Mode #Linux in carsChristopher Parker likes this.
The Root's Updates at 2011-09-14T21:04:16+00:00
I noticed that #gNewSense is based off !ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS. #outdatedUbuntu #needsupdating #fsf !gnewsenseChristopher Parker likes this.
Neustradamus at 2011-09-14T20:57:31+00:00
!Microsoft adds !XMPP support to !Windows !Live APIs! Parker, Klaus likes this.
Bruce Cowan at 2009-08-05T21:58:06+00:00
"The only way that Twitter could be a fad is if someone came along and did it better" - CEO of Twitter on BBC Newsnight !qtuss, Peter Guhl, Christopher Parker likes this.
Deceased. Please use ''. at 2009-03-17T14:51:09+00:00
When will have finally arrived ? Why - when large corporate firewalls add it to 'Social and personal networking' blacklist.Christopher Parker likes this.
James Michael DuPont at 2009-02-26T17:22:14+00:00
I think that our new president really talks about the things that concern me. He speaks from my heart and speaks my language.Christopher Parker likes this.