Curtis Adkins cprompt@identi.ca
High Point, United States
Lover of Open Source Software, Technology, Music, Mountain Biking and his lovely wife.
Justin Washu O'Brien threethirty@identi.ca
Richmond, United States
Gonzo Technologist, Community Advocate, Oggcaster, blogger, Free Culture/Software and Civil Lib Advocate, Hacker, etc
Evan Prodromou evan@identi.ca
Montreal, Canada
Montreal hacker and entrepreneur. Founder of identi.ca, lead developer of pump.io, CEO of E14N Inc.
Gabriel Saldana gabrielsaldana@identi.ca
Guadalajara, Mexico
Web developer and free software enthusiast. Author of the Emacs identica-mode
Randy Noseworthy randynose@identi.ca
Greater Cleveland, Oh Area..
Linux Mint, FOSS, Podcasting, Open Source, Food, People, Geek, Techie, Trucker... Widower.
Aaron Toponce eightyeight@identi.ca
Ogden, United States
System administrator and engineer for XMission. Amateur radio ethusiast, Free Software advocate, mathematician and amateur cryptographer.
Thomas Gideon cmdln@identi.ca
Washington, DC
A peculiar character. https://peculiarcharacter.com and https://thecommandline.net
Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér mjjzf@identi.ca
Odense, South Denmark, Denmark
Free software and culture-loving OfficeGeek, linguist, teacher, husband, father, fencer, writer, reader, eater and drinker.
Peter Cannon dickturpin@identi.ca
West Midlands, United Kingdom
Currently working as a Sales Manager in IT. Co-Host of The Dick Turpin Road Show. Arch Linux user and FOSS advocate.