Stav Prodromou at 2014-02-07T23:41:59Z
Easily Browseable DARPA Open-Source Catalog
This week, DARPA released the DARPA Open Catalog directory of open-source projects. The site will offer not only links to open-source software projects, but also publications and experimental data that may be of benefit to the public. http://www.darpa.mil/OpenCatalog/index.htmlSarven Capadisli likes this.
Mike Linksvayer at 2014-01-11T20:03:12Z
Of course, all things aren't equal. False messages are often funnier, scarier, easier to understand, more shocking than true messages.
And there are many more potential false messages than true ones. Nearly all of the potential best propagating messages must be false. Why then does one ever encounter a true message? Because mining the pool of potential false messages is expensive, and miners cannot tax copiers of their valuable memes^wmessages. Clearly we suffer from underproduction of falsity. To obtain the utopia where nothing is true and everything is permitted, copying novel false messages without permission must be prohibited.Doug Whitfield, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Evan Prodromou, Sarven Capadisli likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2013-11-03T14:19:59Z
One of the biggest requests I get right now on pump.io is "Can you delete my account?"
The answer is no. Not because I hate your freedom or because I don't want to let you leave, but because I haven't programmed the functionality to delete users into pump.io.
There's an open issue for it here:
If you want your account deleted from one of the E14N systems, send me an email at admin@e14n.com and I'll put you on the list of accounts to get deleted when I have this functionality in place.
And, yes: I know that when you've decided to stop using pump.io, there is exactly one piece of functionality that matters to you. But there are thousands of other users who have other priorities. I'm sorry for the delay, and I will get it working for you at some point.mh, Account to delete, ostfriesenmärz, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) and 1 others likes this.
Account to delete shared this.
Show all 7 replies@evan, you can't get rid of me quite that easily, and there is a big #badass bunch of us who feel the same way. Like a bad penny I keep sh owing up to bluster your fluster.
We can never thank you enough for all your time and effort(ssss). Your patience with us kids on your lawn(s) has always been over the top incredible. Thanks again. And again. Virtual hugs!
Just to echo lnxwalt@microca.st, when pump.io first appeared I intended to run a private pump server but could not make it work in my system at the time. So I setup a pumpbuddy.us account. Then identi.ca converted, so I had 2 pump.io accounts. Then I got The Hub up and running on an RPi via Apache Websocket support, and I had achieved my goal. Now I want to migrate the data from identi.ca and pumpbuddy.us to The Hub . . . but that won't happen until migration tools appear. After that, I want to delete those accounts. So I intend to cut my total number of pump accounts by 2/3 some day - not because I am leaving the pump network, but because I achieved my original goal.
Stephen Sekula at 2013-11-03T15:57:05Z
Billy, Evan Prodromou likes this.
I think wordpress.com doesn't delete user accounts, or at least they didn't do when I wanted to delete mine back in 2011. They answered my request that it was for "security" reasons so that my name could not be reused by someone else for nefarious purposes. They recommended me to set just remove my information and set a random password. Not entirely unreasonable.
@sazius You could create a list of "used account names" before deleting the account. The you could check against this table at the time of the registration process.Evan Prodromou at 2013-09-18T04:49:15Z
I'm going to the XOXO Festival this weekend. I feel kind of bad when I travel to events like this, because I usually just want to spend time with people I don't see that often, and I usually completely fail to do it.
The XOXO event has an attendees list, so here's what I did:- I downloaded that page (one big page) and scraped out the attendee Twitter handles with a couple of lines of Perl. The results are in a gist.
- I then spent a lot of time fiddling with Twitter API stuff to extract the list of screen names of people I follow. It was annoyingly hard.
- Instead, I installed the nice t utility. "t following" did exactly what I wanted.
- I then used comm to figure out which of the people I follow on Twitter are going to be at the event.
- I started contacting them one-by-one.
Sarven Capadisli likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2013-08-31T21:14:48Z
My files
So, I have 4 laptops that I've used at various times over the last 5 years. I want to sell off most of them, but I want to make sure I don't have any files on any of them that I lose.
I've got backups of each, but I don't want to keep around hundreds of gigs of backup for a computer I haven't used in years, just so 5 unique files are still around. I only backup volatile files in /var/ /etc/ /usr/local/ /opt/ and of course /home/, but it's still a lot of data.
So I'd like to identify files that are unique to each computer. Here's how I'm doing it:- For each host, I create a file of SHA2 sums. I'm trying to move away from MD5 sums, although they're probably fine for this application. I use GNU Parallel to keep things going quickly; I think for compute-intensive jobs like crypto sums this makes sense.
find $BACKUPDIR -type f -print0 | parallel -q0 --gnu sha224sum > ~/tmp/${HOSTNAME}_sha224sums.txt - For each host, I make a sorted, uniq'd file of just the sums:
cut -f1 -d" " ~/tmp/${HOSTNAME}_sha224sums.txt | sort | uniq > ~/tmp/${HOSTNAME}_justsums.txt - I have one computer that's my most recent that I want to keep. So I use "comm" to find checksums that are on other computers that aren't available on that computer:
comm -13 ${KEEPER}_justsums.txt ${HOSTNAME}_justsums.txt > ${HOSTNAME}_uniquesums.txt
Technically these aren't actually unique; they're just not on the keeper computer. - Finally, I convert the unique sums into filenames by referencing the original sums file:
for cs in `<~/tmp/${HOSTNAME}_uniquesums.txt`; do grep -m1 $cs ~/tmp/${HOSTNAME}_sha224sums.txt | cut -f3 -d" " >> ~/tmp/${HOSTNAME}_uniquefilenames.txt; done - From there, I sort the unique filenames and then manually (!!) decide what to copy to the "keeper" computer. The signal-to-noise ratio is too low for me to do much automation, except for when I have a directory that I can rsync over in total.
There are just a ton of files that are too useless to copy - temp files, dot files, etc.
How do you keep multiple laptops in sync?Eugene Mah, Mark Jaroski, Sarven Capadisli, Susan Pinochet and 7 others likes this.
Olivier Mehani, Evan Prodromou shared this.
Show all 14 repliesNo love for fdupes? I'm with moggers87. I buy one laptop, put it under very aggressive on-site repair warranty, replace it by selling it on ebay when the warranty expires. I backup files on an external HD or in the "cloud."rozzin, Evan Prodromou likes this.
Dear Evan,
Sorry for writing you this way, but I'm not able to write you a direct note. Would it be possible to delete my Identica - Account (praetoriuss@identi.ca)?
Regards, praetoriuss- For each host, I create a file of SHA2 sums. I'm trying to move away from MD5 sums, although they're probably fine for this application. I use GNU Parallel to keep things going quickly; I think for compute-intensive jobs like crypto sums this makes sense.
Sarven Capadisli at 2011-09-13T09:48:45+00:00
If we let go of our fears and ego before getting on with our work, we might accidentally move faster.Sarven Capadisli likes this.
account to be removed at 2011-09-13T13:42:53+00:00
Tomorrow evening I will learn how to become a dictator. http://is.gd/L3PM2y This world needs a responsible person to take control. Trust me.Sarven Capadisli likes this.
account to be removed at 2011-07-20T06:38:53+00:00
Heard: "He does try very hard." So do I when I relieve myself. The result is shit.Sarven Capadisli likes this.
Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. at 2011-05-09T22:29:36+00:00
On the Internet no-one knows you're a dog. Or your true location.Sarven Capadisli likes this.
Sarven Capadisli at 2011-04-11T13:16:31+00:00
“blah blah blah Use our API blah blah blah”joshix, Sarven Capadisli likes this.
Sarven Capadisli at 2011-03-23T14:13:29+00:00
If #copyright #bs is any barrier for human's access to #knowledge & #creativity, we're psychologically unfit for survival @GoogleBooksSarven Capadisli likes this.
Sarven Capadisli at 2010-12-21T22:02:15+00:00
History shows us that humans defend the right to question authority and to remove it from power if it is #bullshit. #ResistanceIsFutileSarven Capadisli likes this.
Sarven Capadisli at 2010-12-14T23:09:55+00:00
“Lisa's newspaper is the only media in town not owned by Burns, which inspires the town..to create their own newspapers” http://ur1.ca/2l8drSarven Capadisli likes this.
Sarven Capadisli at 2010-12-03T14:47:22+00:00
I propose the TRI currency code for RDF triples data exchange ;) #economics #technologySarven Capadisli likes this.
account to be removed at 2010-11-14T18:56:54+00:00
Anyone who has seen this pattern before? http://bit.ly/cor6dg It's a visually ambiguous tesselation. #art #helpSarven Capadisli likes this.
Sarven Capadisli at 2010-11-19T15:34:54+00:00
Sarven Capadisli likes this.
Sarven Capadisli at 2010-11-12T17:09:47+00:00
Real-time #Montreal !Bixi bike map: http://oobrien.com/vis/bikes/?city=montreal !YUL #data #visualization See also: http://ur1.ca/2bzvvSarven Capadisli likes this.
Sarven Capadisli at 2010-11-11T19:25:43+00:00
@twitter I'm constantly amused by your user interface decisions. "Hello Scrollbars!" !ux http://ur1.ca/2bq7gX11R5, Zach Copley, Sarven Capadisli likes this.
clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌ shared this.
Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. at 2010-11-03T17:27:50+00:00
Mistakenly clicked onto @fabsh and @tedks lengthy 'conversation' and blew my monthly ISP download limit. And it's only November 3rd. Sigh.Sarven Capadisli, rpcutts likes this.
@andyc once David "@lefty" Schlesinger gets involved, the conversation tends to branch wildly. Something I've noticed.@andyc Dammit you started them off again: http://identi.ca/conversation/57407411null at 2010-11-03T18:03:15+00:00
simsa0, Kipngetich Ibrahim Ngeno likes this.
Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. at 2010-10-26T20:01:07+00:00
You can't have your girlfriend and eat it.Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'., Dvd Mrsdn, Sarven Capadisli, rpcutts likes this.