Christopher Allan Webber

Christopher Allan Webber at

A problem I have: I can follow the mathematical concepts in papers, but not the notation. I don't know how to get past this. It means that I sometimes read programming papers and I'm like right, right, makes sense [EQUATION] mind blanks.

Has anyone else overcome this? How? I have a "my brain learns best by experimenting" mode, maybe I need to play more with... something?

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I found certain mathematical notations easier to follow once I learned Haskell. In many cases, I only have to squint to ascii-ize symbols to their Haskell equivilants. Also mathy variable naming stuff like a and a' is idiomatic in Haskell.

joeyh at 2017-03-13T20:48:23Z

Christopher Allan Webber likes this.

Put in a column near the equation, the meaning of each variable.

Then use differentcolors to highlight each variable (both in the explanation column, and in the equations).

Draw circles/strikes around/on part of equations that make sense by temselves, or represent a concept, or are transformed into other thing in the next step (in a similar way as teacher does in the blackboard while they explain things).

Maybe look for videos explaining the theorems etc (since they visually show all these techniques, I guess).


Laura Arjona Reina at 2017-03-13T22:53:48Z

joeyh, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.

I'm glad I'm not alone in this. Basically all I see whenever I see complex formulas is "hurrrrrrrr".

Craig Maloney at 2017-03-14T03:12:20Z

Christopher Allan Webber likes this.

I have the same "thought lazyness" problem, with mind starting to get white noize when reading scientific equations or also with musical scores (that I passed both years to learn at academy and school... )
I think what worked was to use them not only in a passive way (reading) but active (writing) ... and it is also the same with code I think.
so maybe trying yourself to put some concept of yours into equations with LaTex could help ?

olm-e at 2017-03-15T14:26:19Z

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