Christopher Allan Webber

Is Big Brother After Black Lives Matter?

Christopher Allan Webber at

Signs point to yes.

Hardly surprising, of course :\

AJ Jordan, Stephen Michael Kellat, marxistvegan likes this.

AJ Jordan, Stephen Michael Kellat, marxistvegan, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) shared this. my hunch is that the primary intent for mass surveillance is to disrupt mass movements. They may say terrorism, but I think the authoritarians are more frightened of large scale political unrest.

Diane Trout at 2015-10-27T16:08:06Z

4slam, X11R5, Christopher Allan Webber, sazius at and 2 others likes this.

Ah, but what has changed since the days of COINTELPRO? Were Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and the like around back then? I kinda got baffled reading the piece. People were getting distressed that they were recognized when they entered new places yet likely have social media accounts with their name attached to them and a profile picture. All that info is just being put out there voluntarily before any spying tech ever comes into play.

Stephen Michael Kellat at 2015-10-27T20:21:28Z

The social media / surveillance stuff is making the old-style political policing -- agents provocateur, cops taking notes at meetings, etc. -- *much* cheaper.

SombreKnave at 2015-10-27T22:54:44Z

Stephen Michael Kellat likes this.