Pumpio, tags and hashtag
will be possible in #pumpio to tag someone(@), or add hashtags(#), sometime? That is the question :)
Scorpio20, Matthias Wimmer likes this.
n2t shared this.

Well, it's coming, it needs some more time: "ragtag.io (in development) will allow to see all the public objects in the Pump network tagged with a certain hashtag." As larjona@identi.ca says here
About "mentioning", you can add people to "to: ..." when posting, and they will get the post in their "messages tab", working more or less as a notification.
You can also add people in Pumpa by writing "@..."
And maybe this two post about recently features in Dianara and Pumpa dev-versions can help you:
- https://pump.saz.im/sazius/note/6bbf2IEjS8-H_nonkPUX5w
- https://microca.st/jankusanagi/note/veeUt0VjQKu6stINeHxUxQ
Diego Cordoba likes this.

For the record, "tagging" people has been possible since day 1 =)
JanKusanagi at 2013-12-19T00:21:46Z
n2t likes this.

That's why we told you that "tagging" people is simply adding them to the "To" field.
Also, Pumpa does that automatically by typing @whatevername in the message itself.
JanKusanagi at 2013-12-19T19:26:55Z
n2t, Diego Cordoba likes this.