David Chung at
I was in Toronto when this came out and so I figured I should take the opportunity to experience this in laser IMAX! No such theatre exists in Hawaii. This was also my first time in a cinema since the pandemic so that was exciting!
This was pretty entertaining and kept me engaged throughout. I highly recommend seeing this in IMAX! The second and critical half of the movie was mostly in IMAX format. I think it's really needed to truly experience the ground-to-sky shots.
There were some memorable shots in this and the sound was excellent! I love that Peele is going for more wide and grand shots. Hope he keeps it up!
0 Mai Tais needed to enjoy this!
Interestingly, this is rated 14A in Canada while it's R-rated in America. I really wish Honolulu gets an IMAX theatre in the near future...
2022 ranking so far:
Nope: 0 Mai Tais
Chip 'N Dale Rescue Rangers: 0 Mai Tais
Turning Red: 0 Mai Tais
Uncharted: 4 Mai Tais
The Man from Toronto: 8 Mai Tais