dbillyx dbillyx@identi.ca


soy usuario del softwarelibre mis neuronas buscan adquirir nuevos conocimientos... buscando la libertad en la red... mi vida actual esta en la version 28


  • Ubuntu España ubuntueses@identi.ca

    Comunidad española de Ubuntu http://ubuntu.es

  • jcrbr0 jcrbr0@identi.ca

  • phaer phaer@identi.ca

    Chania, Greece

  • z3l3man_zn ir1spardalis@hotpump.net

    #gnu #Linux-Libre #rms #trisquel #linux

  • Carlos C. carlosceb@mipump.es


    Informático de profesión, linuxero de tiempo completo, promotor del movimiento del software libre, formatos libres, protocolos libres, y de la cultura libre en general. Librepensador y humanista secular interesado en la aplicación de la tecnología para mejorar las condiciones de vida de todos e impulsar el desarrollo humano íntegro, accesible, autogestionable y autosustentable.

  • Yasen Pramatarov turin@identi.ca

    Middle Earth

    freelance, free software, free time and beer with fr(i)eends :D

  • Harold Cabezas haroldcabezas@identi.ca

    A positive, energetic individual who looks to increase his knowledge and respects everyone.

  • Henrik Sandklef hesa@identi.ca

    Free Software activist with FSFE and GNU, hacker, teacher and consultant. Still trying to suck less ....

  • Калоян Доганов kaloian@identi.ca

    Khirevo, Bulgaria

  • Gnu Girl gnugirl@identi.ca

    Fluffy wannabe chix0r with delusions of grandeur.

  • Document Freedom Day documentfreedom@identi.ca

    Celebrating information accessibility and raising awareness of Document Freedom

  • jotafilo jotafilo@identi.ca

    Conocimiento y cultura libre. Software Libre. Ecología y medio ambiente.

  • l30bravo l30bravo@identi.ca

    Santiago, Chile

    Free Software, GNU / Linux | IT and Telecoms engineer [xmpp: l30bravo@jabber.org]

  • Commons Machinery cmisab@identi.ca

    Vänsjö, Sweden

    We're building the infrastructure of the Commons. Denting is our CEO, @jonaso and project assistant @gnugirl

  • freedeb freedeb@pumpity.net

    Cambridge, MA

    I like free software, noisy music and tasty food.

  • Arcee arcee@urmf.net


    Some help: https://github.com/e14n/pump.io/wiki/Who-to-follow,-most-shared,-most-liked...-(informal-stats) http://polari.us/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gettingstartedwithpumpio

  • Beatriz Busaniche beabusaniche@identi.ca

    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Activista de Software y Cultura Libre. Wikipedista. Docente de UBA en #fsoc.

  • netgeek netgeek@identi.ca

    IT guy involved in EAI. I like to practice sports, photography, travel and (too) many others. Let's talk! :)

  • Christina Haralanova ludost@identi.ca

    La Nova

  • bitergia bitergia@identi.ca

    Bitergia is a company with expertise in analysing open source communities and in software forges adoption from a business perspective.