Dan Scott

Dan Scott at

So after self-hosting a Known instance at https://coffeecode.ca for a number of months, I opted to pony up for a hosted version by the Known founders, partially for the sake of convenience, but mostly because I wanted to support a fledgling decentralized free software social media solution.

Shortly after they got http://thunk.coffeecode.ca running, I realized a problem: http, not https. And they have no way of enabling SSL for hosted sites. This is not an uncommon problem, as it turns out, but having not run much hosted software with custom domains before, it was new to me.

For that reason, I'm probably going to go back to self-hosting once my initial subscription runs out. Maybe I'll be able to get them (during my hosted time) to migrate my ancient s9y blog content over as well, and then make full use of the export/import facilities of Known to pull everything back to my self-hosted version.

uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs, Mike Linksvayer, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.

uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs, Mike Linksvayer, Doug Whitfield, Christopher Allan Webber shared this.

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If it's an entirely different domain name, sure, but your example was about a subdomain of their own. That's easy with wildcard certificates.

Jason Self at 2015-05-08T20:31:27Z

Sorry I wasn't clear, @jxself. coffeecode.ca is my domain; withknown.com is their domain. They offered TLS on thunk.withknown.com, because they have a wildcart cert for *.withknown.com. But they can't offer TLS on thunk.coffeecode.ca because... complex.

Dan Scott at 2015-05-08T21:01:37Z

Since coffeecode.ca is yours, can you obtain a cert for the subdomain and get them to set it up for you?

I do agree that it is more complicated and difficult than it should be, which is likely the reason why wordpress.com and squarespace also don't offer this.

lnxwalt@microca.st at 2015-05-08T22:31:21Z

Douglas Perkins, Dan Scott likes this.

They could offer https://thunk.coffeecode.ca with the wrong cert and you could set up a reverse proxy/tunnel from the DNS-pointed https://thunk.coffeecode.ca ... still less effort than running a full instance.

Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) at 2015-05-08T23:50:09Z