Dirk Deimeke ddeimeke@identi.ca

Grüt, Switzerland

Pragmatic Systems Administrator and Linux Penguin


  • Datenkanal datenkanal@identi.ca

    Jena, Germany

    Das Datenradio mit @qbi und jo beim Offenen Hörfunkkanal Jena

  • New Linux Counter Project newlinuxcounter@identi.ca

    Kaufbeuren, Germany

    The New Linux Counter Project will replace the good, old Linux Counter Project on counter.li.org soon.

  • Bastard Assistant from Hell AUSREDE bastardausrede@identi.ca

    Der Bastard Assistant from Hell (BAfH) sagt dir jeden Tag, warum er leider nichts für dich tun kann.

  • cygwinports cygwinports@identi.ca

    Provides many additional packages for Cygwin, including GNOME, KDE, LXDE, MATE, Sugar, Xfce, Java, PHP, Rails, toolchains, games, and more.

  • gnuheidix@identi.ca

  • Grazer Linuxtage linuxtage@identi.ca

    Graz, Austria

    20. April 2013, Event, Open Source, Community, Projekte, Graz Account aus Personalmangel derzeit inaktiv - du willst mithelfen? Melde dich!

  • Martin Haase neusprechblog@identi.ca

    Friedrichswerder, Germany

  • Michael Kofler michaelkofler@identi.ca

    Graz, Austria

    Computer-Buchautor seit 20 Jahren. Linux, Ubuntu, PHP, MySQL.

  • Mela Eckenfels felicea@identi.ca

    Fort Worth, United States

  • Diaspora joindiaspora@identi.ca

    Diaspora is an awesome, distributed, open source social network in the making from some young hackers at NYU

  • Debian Project debian@identi.ca

    Making the universal operating system, free as in freedom. ♥ The Debian identi.ca account is now fed by the Debian micronews site. Help animating this account: → http://deb.li/identica

  • jana pirat janapirat@identi.ca

    freiheitliebend, pirat, nerd, weltentdecker, linuxer, bvv-xhain

  • Michael Prokop mikagrml@identi.ca

    Graz, Austria

    Debian Developer, Grml.org project leader,

  • OpenRheinRuhr openrheinruhr@identi.ca

    Alstaden, Germany

    »Ein Pott voll Software« Messe und Kongress rund um Freie Software, Open Source und Netzpolitik

  • soeren soerenk@identi.ca

    Berlin, Germany

  • Roland Baldenhofer guggat@identi.ca

    Konstanz, Germany

    Hacken, Kochen, Projekte und Piraten

  • Frank Karlitschek fkarlitschek@identi.ca

    Stuttgart, Germany

    KDE, openDesktop.org, Social Desktop, ownCloud, Open-PC

  • Ubuntu One ubuntuone@identi.ca

    Team account for Ubuntu One, the personal cloud that brings your digital life together.

  • Ubuntu Archive Status ubuntustatus@identi.ca

    Alerts and status when there are problems in the Ubuntu archives that are likely to cause very serious problems for a large number of users.

  • Mehdi Hassanpour mehdi@identi.ca

    #Oracle DBA, #Linux System Administrator, Open Source & Free Software enthusiast, Professional Trainer, Author, #Ubuntu fanboy & #IBM er