Didier Misson didiermisson@identi.ca
Meule Meersen, Belgium
Drupal Users Group Braine-l'Alleud (BE) http://drupal.culbutte.be/ Linux, Debian server and Ubuntu desktop. Web servers
Tom Tishken kd4wov@identi.ca
Grand Island, United States
Look for me, KD4WOV, on jabber.org, identi.ca, twitter, ex-friendfeed, foursquare, Freenode irc, facebook, google hangouts, and echolink (Node: KD4WOV-R). You can hear me over ham radio and if you hear me, give me a call. My background is electronic engineering, 2 way radio, computers, and technology. gab.com/kd4wov https://gettr.com/user/kd4wov https://twitter.com/kd4wov https://parler.com/#/user/kd4wov https://rightonly.net/kd4wov https://kd4wov.tumblr.com/ https://brighteon.social/@kd4wov Also on many mastodon as kd4wov, and twit.social.
Kate J Davis eutouring@identi.ca
Clacton-on-Sea, United Kingdom
http://www.eutouring.com Kate Davis - European traveller and author of travel to guides to Paris holidays for a holiday in Paris.
Techrights' IRC Aggregator boycottnovell@identi.ca
Manchester, United Kingdom
Aggregator for #techrights (FreeNode) at techrights.org, formerly #boycottnovell (FreeNode) for the Boycott Novell campaign.
Quentin Bouteiller quent1@identi.ca
Decize, France
Jeune passionné d'informatique depuis mon plus jeune âge, je suis la personne que vous devez absolument suivre (ou pas...).
Debian Project debian@identi.ca
Making the universal operating system, free as in freedom. ♥ The Debian identi.ca account is now fed by the Debian micronews site. Help animating this account: → http://deb.li/identica
Planet Debian Fr planetdebianfr@identi.ca
Saint-Georges-la-Pouge, France
Planète de la communauté francophone des contributeurs Debian.
Vasudev Kamath copyninja@identi.ca
Open Source and Linux enthusiast. A Python programmer, A hacker by interest. And of course big fan of Naruto anime
Richard Stallman Political Notes rms@identi.ca
Cambridge, United States
These are automatically posted from my blog. I don't read messages on identi.ca, please email me -- rms@gnu.org instead.
Harish Pillay harishpillay@identi.ca
human, hacker, engineer, hashman, son, husband, father living 1 deg North, 103 deg East
Mitchell McKenna mitchellmckenna@identi.ca
Software Developer, Web Designer, Informatics, Tech Junkie, Social Media
Nikos Roussos comzeradd@identi.ca
Kalamávki, Greece
opensource & digitalrights activist - @mozilla rep, @fedora dev, @fsfe ga member, @hackerspacegr member
Jonathan Carter highvoltage@identi.ca
Montreal, Canada
I know you, you know me, one thing I can tell you is you got to be free
michelenlared michelenlared@identi.ca
Gūshdūn, Iran
/ Open Source / backgammon - tennis player / User Android - HTC - / gnu/linux # 498226 - Linux machine # 409830 /
Louis Roché khady@identi.ca
Ampuis, France
Etudiant, lecteur, développeur, technophile et libriste. Je m’intéresse aussi à la politique. Entrepreneur.