Daniel Nouri dnouri@identi.ca
Berlin, Germany
Python and JavaScript enthusiast — eXtreme Programmer. Hacks jQuery, Pyramid, Plone and politics.
Cillian de Róiste goibhniu@identi.ca
Munich, Germany
Linux/Python/Zope developer, free software/culture bigot, gaeilgeoir. Distro: http://nixos.org
Graham Perrin grahamperrin@identi.ca
Hove, United Kingdom
I am now all the things that I was when Identi.ca used StatusNet, plus a little more.
Will Kahn-Greene willkg@identi.ca
Chelmsford, United States
Developer; works for Mozilla; hacks on richard, pyvideo.org, SUMO, MediaGoblin, Miro, etc
Michael R. Bernstein webmaven@identi.ca
Albuquerque, United States
Python web developer and consultant, science-fiction fan, American-Israeli dual national. Code for America Fellow.