Grml Project at 2010-09-28T13:27:16+00:00
#grml mentioned as one of "Ten Essential Linux Admin Tools": http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7870/ ^rhondadragontortoise likes this.
Richard Stallman Political Notes at 2010-09-24T02:24:05+00:00
A license to kill civilians http://ur1.ca/1r7ztdragontortoise likes this.
Richard Stallman Political Notes at 2010-09-23T22:21:05+00:00
Gates Foundation funds news organizations http://ur1.ca/1r651dragontortoise likes this.
Chalkahlom at 2010-09-21T17:33:45+00:00
Google censorship map http://www.google.com/transparencyreport/governmentrequests/ #outlawstorydragontortoise likes this.
dragontortoise, dragontortoise shared this.
Quote For The Day at 2010-09-19T06:00:10+00:00
“Writing code a computer can understand is science. Writing code other programmers can understand is an art.” — Jason Gorman #Q4TD !qdragontortoise, Carlos Solís, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Klarth Cidolfas and 7 others likes this.
Shantanu Tushar, Shantanu Tushar, dragontortoise, dragontortoise and 8 others shared this.
Grml Project at 2010-08-04T09:00:20+00:00
Find and list the ten newest files in directories and subdirs (recursive) with zsh: % % print -rl -- **/*(Dom[1,10]) #grmlproject, #tipdragontortoise likes this.
dragontortoise at 2010-08-03T15:06:17+00:00
quote of the day : "BUT DON'T BLAME STEVE OR APPLE ITS YOUR FAULT" by a friend of minedragontortoise likes this.
Grml Project at 2010-06-23T08:59:11+00:00
fast file copy tool for LANS Local: npush file_to_copy Remote: npoll #grmlproject, #tipdragontortoise likes this.
Grml Project at 2010-06-18T08:59:30+00:00
Secure delete file / directory / partition with wipe || shred || sfill #grmlproject, #tipdragontortoise likes this.
dragontortoise at 2010-06-14T14:55:45+00:00
RT @grml: Reboot a windows machine: net rpc shutdown -r -I IP_ADDRESS -U username%password #grmlproject, #tip cc @paradorn @teesid @krurkritdragontortoise likes this.