Carlos Solís arkblitz@identi.ca
Santa Ana, Costa Rica
Estudiante de informática de la UCR. Intereses: Inciclopedia, Fandub, StepMania, Animé, Software Libre, Idiomas Artificiales
Richard Fontana shared by Carlos Solís at 2013-06-10T04:03:31+00:00 via web To: Public
Repent, for the conversion to #pumpio is thought to be nigh!Tupulpo, Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'., Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Carlos Solís and 4 others likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Stephen Michael Kellat, Mario Daniel Ruiz Saavedra, Carlos Solís shared this.
All these days are only distractions so we can finally migrate to !pumpio in St. John's Eve http://ur1.ca/eebtw #fire #magic /cc @evan@Fontana fuck off, no pumpio heaven just more life.2012-12-31T14:56:22+00:00 in San Isidro, Provincia de Puntarenas, Costa Rica To: Public
Nota mental: respaldar la cuenta vieja.2011-10-01T06:24:58+00:00 To: Public
ArkBlitz: http://t.co/Ms5NbnBC The joke about #FacebookGold arrives to #Diaspora with hilarious results.2011-10-01T06:24:56+00:00 To: Public
ArkBlitz: identi.ca insiste en acortarme mal los links que le envío de diasp.org y le zampa el ")**" final al ur1.ca2011-10-01T06:24:56+00:00 To: Public
ArkBlitz: Translate Italian ballads to #Idolinguo. Notice that they still rhyme, and sound like Italian. Feel like a boss.2011-10-01T06:24:56+00:00 To: Public
ArkBlitz: Pasos que sigo para una vida saludable: ¿No consumir drogas? Hecho. ¿Comer saludable? Hecho. ¿Dañarme los…2011-10-01T06:24:56+00:00 To: Public
ArkBlitz: Cuestionarse un paradigma es lo más poderoso que puede hacer un ser humano. Y a la misma vez, es lo más peligroso.2011-10-01T06:24:55+00:00 To: Public
ArkBlitz: Goodbye, #brdcst, and thanks for all the tweets! Now http://ur1.ca/1 imports everything properly. Perhaps I'l…2011-10-01T06:24:55+00:00 To: Public
ArkBlitz: A ver si este mensajito me llega de #Twitter a #Identica... #ProbandoProbando #FavorIgnorarEsto2011-10-01T06:24:54+00:00 To: Public
ArkBlitz: "GOD HATES ME THE WORLD IS EVIL I RAGEQUIT!!!1" is subjective. "I cannot accept what has not been backed up w…2011-10-01T06:24:54+00:00 To: Public
ArkBlitz: @trashheap Nvidia Tegra? Yep, it will hardly be blob-free.2011-10-01T06:24:54+00:00 To: Public
ArkBlitz: > ## «Para conseguir grandes resultados, trabaja siempre en algo importante, usándolo como forma de evit…2011-10-01T06:24:53+00:00 To: Public
ArkBlitz: Questioning oneself about a paradigm is the most powerful thing a human can do. And at the same time, it's th…2011-10-01T06:24:53+00:00 To: Public
ArkBlitz: Revolutionary (adj.): person who believes that the world is wrong about a certain topic and acts accordingly to correct it2011-10-01T06:24:52+00:00 To: Public
ArkBlitz: Poll: Should http://ur1.ca/1 add a "gallery" that includes all of your old bookmarks and images? http://t.co/oA9Pczs42011-10-01T06:24:52+00:00 To: Geekgoló, Public
ArkBlitz: @geekgolo ¿Cómo así? ¿Exactamente qué sucedió?2011-10-01T06:24:52+00:00 To: Public
2011-10-01T06:24:51+00:00 To: Public
ArkBlitz: ¿Cuánta probabilidad hay de que dos bolsas de salsa de #TacoBell caigan al suelo y resulten tener la misma frase? A mí me pasó...2011-10-01T06:24:51+00:00 To: Identi.ca Support, Public
ArkBlitz: Dear @support: Vote posts should have more context. Like " voted for "yes" in "Will you eat pie?" http://t.co/bFrPwugp "2011-10-01T06:24:51+00:00 To: Public