Eduardo N. Fortes edufortes@identi.ca
Mar del Plata, Argentina
Desarrollador, Sysadmin (un poco BOFH, Part-Time Geek, Melómano (y bajista en extinción). Cabeza dura. En constante evolución. Feliz.
bigbrovar at 2011-07-07T16:40:01+00:00
@jargon welcome to 2011 were gnome is the new kde4, Mint is the new ubuntu, Facebook is new MySpace, Google is new Facebook, apple is new MSDalba, Vallery Lancey, joshix, Eduardo N. Fortes and 3 others likes this.
k1efer, k1efer, LordPhoenix, LordPhoenix and 4 others shared this.
@jargon 2011 is a really weird year... I allready droped Ubuntu for Mint waiting for Google+...Richard Stallman Political Notes at 2010-04-14T01:24:03+00:00
Josh Stieber talks about Collateral Murder video http://ur1.ca/uyqcEduardo N. Fortes likes this.
lupyxe at 2010-02-17T03:03:20+00:00
aqui dejo que vean la imagen... es #gnome con un logo... ¿de #windows ? http://roland65.free.fr/xfe/images/screenshot-s1.pngEduardo N. Fortes likes this.
Richard Stallman Political Notes at 2010-02-14T18:24:02+00:00
Urgent: Exxon CEO Wanted Poster http://ur1.ca/mbpiEduardo N. Fortes likes this.