netwaves embe@identi.ca
Leuven, Belgium
netwaves is a weekly radio program/podcast/compilation with a dose of fresh, free music, picked directly at the artist or his netlabel
La Noche del Hombre Lobo lanochedelhombrelobo@identi.ca
Barcelona, Spain
Indie Creative Commons radio --cc-radio-- 24h de Jazz,Funk,Dub,Urban,Hip-Hop....high class music.
Phantom Circuit phantomcircuit@identi.ca
Matthias Hühr matthiashuehr@identi.ca
Greifswald, Germany
140 mögliche Zeichen sind doch etwas wenig um mein Leben damit beschreiben zu können.
Dimi Piraat dimipiraat@identi.ca
Anarcho-taoist-gypsy-rasta-hippie-burner-punk into tattoos, electronic music, activism, ecology, geek stuff and lots more.
Breathe Compilations breathecomp@identi.ca
Breathe is about music and freedom. Presents eclectic tunes and graphics of artists from all over the world under Creative Commons Licenses
Ruben Haan rubenhaan@identi.ca
Dronten, Netherlands
3D Internet artistic expressions. Fascination for free culture,(remix).
frei² – Das Magazin für freie Musik in zwei freien Radios freihoch2@identi.ca
Rhein-Neckar und Kassel, Germany
frei² ist eine zweiwöchentliche Radiosendung, in der ausschließlich freie Musik gespielt wird.
headphonica netlabel headphonica@identi.ca
Weimar, Germany
headphonica is a netlabel without genre-restrictions releasing music and other under creative commons licenses for free download. enjoy!