Empowermentors Collective empowermentors@identi.ca
The Empowermentors Collective is a skillshare, discussion, and support network for intersectionally marginalized people of color with a critical interest in technology and media hacking. We are called Empowermentors because we focus on sharing knowledge and technical skills, producing free software and free media, and supporting one another however we can. In this way we are both teaching and learning from each other to collectively empower ourselves.
Bruno Rodrigues brodrigues@identi.ca
Strasbourg, France
PhD candidate at BÉTA (University of Strasbourg)
Filosofía Linux filosofialinux@identi.ca
GNU/Linux no es sólo un sistema operativo, representa un modo de ver la vida y una forma de pensar http://bit.ly/p1WEhD .
tryphonbzh tryphonbzh@identi.ca
Samier Rémi orthophonielibre@identi.ca
Bordeaux, France
Promouvoir et développer la création et l'utilisation de matériels et de logiciels libres en orthophonie - logopédie
Fernando Quintero fquinteroa@identi.ca
Zapopan2, Mexico
Moving ahead without the need to depend on anything, Working as IT Specialist at IBM Mexico. Linux Fan, frustrated geek.
Miguel Rentes miguelrentes@identi.ca
Porto, Portugal
Software Engineer that likes very much FOSS, programming, Emacs, reading and sketching.
SiGarofalo sigarofalo@identi.ca
Santiago Roland sroland@identi.ca
Gregorio Espadas gespadas@identi.ca
Hernández, Mexico
Desarrollador Web, Instructor Certificado, Usuario de Linux, Defensor del Software Libre, Tech Blogger y 100% Geek.
michelenlared michelenlared@identi.ca
Gūshdūn, Iran
/ Open Source / backgammon - tennis player / User Android - HTC - / gnu/linux # 498226 - Linux machine # 409830 /
Martin Gomez thevil@identi.ca
Hernández, Mexico
actualmente estudiante de ingeniería en sistemas computacionales con intereses hacia la programación libre y el desarrollo de sistemas.