Eric P. Hutchins ericphutchins@identi.ca
New York, United States
I am a GNU hacker and computer scientist and mathematician
2011-07-13T12:42:54+00:00 in New York, New York, United States To: GNU's Not Unix, FOSS Gaming, Parabola GNU/Linux-Libre, Public
Making progress on !GNU #BallandPaddle level editor. For !parabola try http://ur1.ca/4ozvi and then 'bapedit' to see how it's going. !fossg2011-05-29T16:25:58+00:00 in Scotia, New York, United States To: GNU's Not Unix, Public
Just pushed a big commit to the editor in !GNU Ball and Paddle. So far can modify level background and bonus time. http://ur1.ca/4aubr2011-03-28T12:05:09+00:00 in New York, New York, United States To: GNU+HURD, Public
2011-03-02T02:55:56+00:00 in New York, New York, United States To: Public
@barrucadu I don't use many of my instructions but if I redesign it I lose simplicity. It's similar to your design but src-dest pairs.2011-03-02T02:52:47+00:00 in New York, New York, United States To: Public
@barrucadu Well I'm personally aesthetically interested in minimalism. Liked the idea of the Java4k game compo. But I don't like Java much..2011-03-02T01:16:20+00:00 in New York, New York, United States To: Public
@barrucadu I've been working on a virtual machine architecture for making retro games for some time. Maybe I'll put it somewhere tomorrow.2011-07-01T17:39:01+00:00 in Schenectady, New York, United States To: GNU's Not Unix, FOSS Gaming, Public
An editor is in the works, which should make it easier to make more levels/levelsets, something sorely needed. !fossg #ballandpaddle !gnu@ericphutchins I take it you've developed your own Guile/SDL bindings? Looks potentially useful for other projects as well (hint: !lilypond)2010-09-20T16:43:18+00:00 in New York, New York, United States To: Public
2010-09-14T19:51:11+00:00 in Newtonville, New York, United States To: GNU's Not Unix, GNU+HURD, Public
One of the reasons I like !hurd is because, being a !GNU project, it doesn't have the problems with non-free blobs that !Linux hasdonald robertson III likes this.
2010-09-14T19:49:39+00:00 in Newtonville, New York, United States To: Free Software, Arch Hurd, Public
I notice you are switching to entirely !freesoftware Could !archhurd be an entirely free software distro or will that be some parabolahurd?2010-09-14T14:41:57+00:00 in Newtonville, New York, United States To: GNU's Not Unix, Public
I just released an alpha of GNU Kart, a kart racing game with !GNU theme and characters. http://ur1.ca/1mffrn2x likes this.
Rui Seabra, Rui Seabra shared this.
@ericphutchins was it like TuxKart?♻ @ericphutchins: I just released an alpha of GNU Kart, a kart racing game with #GNU theme and characters. http://ur1.ca/1mffr2010-09-03T22:01:10+00:00 To: Chiptune music lovers <3, Public
I really like Lada Laika's !chiptune Rad Like Whoa EP haven't gotten into his later stuff, cuz its noncommercial http://ur1.ca/1hf4u2010-09-03T21:49:24+00:00 To: Libre.fm, Public
I'm really liking the electronic/chiptune album Tututu by Maf, makes me want to play sidescroller. Check out on !librefm http://ur1.ca/1hf152010-09-02T16:10:36+00:00 To: Public
@barrucadu Yeah there's a ton of cleanup I would do if I found time to look at the source again, I'm sure. Possibly a port to GTK+ as well.2010-09-02T15:42:32+00:00 To: Public
Apache, MySQL and PHP work on ArchHurd! Try it out http://www.archhurd.org #hurd2010-09-02T15:31:54+00:00 To: Public
I just registered with !flattr ! Check out my free software #games and #simulations released under #GPL: http://www.ericphutchins.com