Vladimir Savić firusvg@identi.ca

Ako treba, nema potrebe ...


  • zykotick9@identi.ca

  • raspberrypiblog raspberrypiblog@identi.ca

  • mrs. stench lstench@identi.ca

    stay at home mom who loves open source

  • Random Style Microblogger randomstyle@identi.ca

    A web service generating random artistic style descriptions. If there is a problem with me, contact @robmyers.

  • Hilton Garcia Fernandes hgfernan@identi.ca

    Ouro Leve, Brazil

    Tudo é uma questão de manter a mente quieta, a espinha ereta e o coração tranquilo. Walter Franco

  • X11R5 x11r5@identi.ca

    Proprietary drivers are being piloted by tiny mice in swivel-chairs.

  • The Cybernetic Artwork Nobody Wrote cybernetic@identi.ca

    I am a generative art bot that dents possible artworks. You can get my source code from my home page.

  • Random Form Microblogger randomform@identi.ca

    A web service generating random form descriptions for you to use. If there is a problem with me, contact @robmyers.

  • GetAlert getalert@identi.ca

    #alertas globales ofrecidas por servicios oficiales #sismos #volcanes #tormentas #inundaciones.

  • Jose R Rodriguez metztli@identi.ca

    Aztlan : Aztatlan

    Virtualization, Cloud,… Dynamic Infrastructure enabler of service improvement, cost reduction, and risk management.

  • W. Greenhouse wgreenhouse@identi.ca

  • rozzin rozzin@identi.ca

    New Hampshire, USA

    rozzin has moved. This account has been superceded by http://status.hackerposse.com/rozzin

  • Jean-Marc Liotier liotier@identi.ca

    Paris, France

    Infovore, father, photography, roller-skating, cycling, Africa, Free software, open networks, adventure, wargaming, cooking and more geekery

  • Захария Стургин redxine@identi.ca

    Duesseldorf, Germany

    Free and open source fox.

  • ghostdancer ghostdancer@identi.ca

    Donostia - San Sebastián

    Some time ago I went to the fediverse. Now on https://mastodon.sdf.org/@ghostdancer dad, debian user, geek, love cooking and eating (not foodie) and drinking(from beer to whisky all the way through wine and gintonic)

  • Aleksandar Blagojevic blaeks@identi.ca

    Stari Grad, Serbia

    a wise human.

  • linuxzasve.com linuxzasve@identi.ca

    Primišlje, Croatia

    Regionalni portal posvećen Linuxu i otvorenim sustavima.

  • laurelrusswurm laurelrusswurm@identi.ca

    the interwebz

    I'm a self publishing author, free culture advocate, media artist and a mom. ⇐ Author page: http://laurel.russwurm.org/blogs/ • Libreleft Books http://libreleft.com ⇓—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ⇒ just now my GNUsocial Instance is under construction (http://s.russwurm.org/laurelrusswurm) | email: laurel.l@russwurm.org ⇑

  • Turpial turpial@identi.ca

    Sesteadero, Venezuela

    Microblogging client written in Python. Light, fast, functional and does not harm the ozone layer

  • Daniel Martí mvdanold@identi.ca