sam sam flowbird@identi.ca
Rimini, Italy
cook explorer feldenkrais feminist geek photographer romelover
Francesca Ciceri madamezou@identi.ca
Debian user, developer and translator, craftster, anarchist, social scientist, zombie-movies nerd, fan fiction addicted. Also: guitar, guitar, guitar, some trumpet, and tons of music in general.
Cyber Fnox fnox@identi.ca
nerd ⬦ geek ⬦ anarchist ⬦ paranoid ⬦ cycling ⬦ sysadminster ⬦ activism ⬦ media ⬦ security ⬦ tv show junkie ⬦ opensource ...
school of privacy schoolofprivacy@identi.ca
Lebanon, United States
helping people regain there privacy
Aurovici Sercomanens mindscapes@identi.ca
*freie funken* freiefunken@identi.ca
(avatar template: photo by Sissssou http://is.gd/oQtHQU (BY-SA))
Electronic Frontier Foundation eff@identi.ca
San Francisco, United States
Defending your civil liberties in a digital world! Follow us to stay at the forefront of tech policy issues.