Dennis Heidsiek frakturfreund@identi.ca
Oldenburg, Germany
Meine Intereſſen: Langes ſ, Mathematik, Software (insb. (Xe)(La)TeX, Java und das Neo-Taſtaturlayout) und was mir ſonſt noch ſo unterkommt …
2013-05-31T03:30:17+00:00 in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany via web To: Public
Dies iſt meine letzte Statusmeldung auf dem ›alten‹ Identi.ca – wer mit mir Kontakt aufnehmen will: http://heidsiek.net ¡Qapla’!2013-05-31T03:29:19+00:00 in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany To: Public
So, das Backup iſt gezogen, ein letztes Mal in Noſtalgie und Erinnerungen an Identi.ca geſchwelkt … der Letzte macht das Licht aus.2013-05-31T03:16:53+00:00 in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany To: Public
2013-05-31T02:49:38+00:00 in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany To: Public
Hörempfehlung: „I’ll Still be a Geek After Nobody Thinks it's Chic (the Nerd Anthem)“ von Marian Call http://is.gd/zVEH7o2013-05-31T02:18:58+00:00 in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany via web To: Public
Da iſt er alſo, der letzte Tag von identi.ca … #lastDayOfIdenticaEvan Prodromou shared by Dennis Heidsiek at 2013-05-31T01:11:49+00:00 via web To: Public
If you don't have an email address configured for identi.ca, please set one up ASAP. You'll need it to log in after the pump.io conversion.Bembel ::BK::, Funatiker, Arthur Schiwon, Bersam Bandari and 4 others likes this.
Bembel ::BK::, David, bjavotte, Funatiker and 43 others shared this.
2013-05-29T23:58:43+00:00 in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany via web To: Public
Es gibt ein »Hannah Montana Linux« und ein »Justin Bieber Linux« – aber wieſo gibt es kein »Kaylee Frye Linux«? ;)2013-05-29T04:05:56+00:00 in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany via web To: Debian, Public
Mein Umſtieg von Ubuntu 10.04/Gnome 2 zu !Debian 7/Xfce iſt zu 98% abgeſchloſſen, und ich bin ſehr zufrieden mit dem univerſellen OS :)@frakturfreund häng dir statt xfwm direkt noch nen i3 rein :)peponi shared by Dennis Heidsiek at 2013-05-29T02:01:24+00:00 via web To: Public
the end is near !!! http://v.gd/OA2Cko #matecalypseDennis Heidsiek, Dennis Heidsiek, eri!, eri! and 6 others shared this.
stimmten für „No plans, I keep on denting for now, after the migration we will see“
2013-05-29T01:58:52+00:00 To: Laura Arjona, Public
2013-05-25T18:08:03+00:00 in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany To: Public
Anſichten und Beobachtungen über Männermode – Viel Wahres! http://ur1.ca/e1ep52013-05-25T18:00:42+00:00 in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany To: Public
espeak -p 30 -s 120 -vde+whisper 'Wir sind die Borg. Deaktivieren sie ihre Schilde und ergeben sie sich.'2013-05-25T17:14:14+00:00 in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany To: a(n) person, Public
Extending !git by Stefan Saasen http://ur1.ca/e1dt82013-05-25T17:11:55+00:00 in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany To: Public
Ich ſuche nach »wit girl«, und Google ſchlägt mir »wet girl« vor #Failraspberrypiblog shared by Dennis Heidsiek at 2013-05-24T12:28:36+00:00 via web To: Public
!raspberrypi blog: Wayland preview - http://ur1.ca/e0c16Dennis Heidsiek, Dennis Heidsiek shared this.
2013-05-24T16:16:40+00:00 in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany To: Evan Prodromou, Public
@evan All published content on identi.ca is CC-BY-3.0; what’s the deal with pump.io? Will it be a drawback on Freedom in this regard?Mike Linksvayer likes this.
I don't know. pump.io has significantly better private distribution, which I think should be ARR.I use email for private communications; Microblogging is about public sharing. But without free licence, pump.io is just like twitter :(Dennis Heidsiek at 2013-05-24T16:39:13+00:00
laurelrusswurm likes this.
It would be nice if the protocol would be extended to include a license identifier with a piece of content :)2013-05-23T15:27:51+00:00 in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany To: Public
Der Vortrag von Graham Linehan auf der !rp11 iſt endlich online: http://is.gd/01189998819991197253 #itcroud rulz!2013-05-19T07:55:13+00:00 via web To: Public
@macgirvin: To me freedom in !freesoftware is about choice (choosing my own path) and responsibility (being a good neighbor).RiveraValdez likes this.
Dennis Heidsiek shared this.
♻ @arnebab: To me freedom in #freesoftware is about choice (choosing my own path) and responsibility (being a good neighbor).2013-05-17T07:46:26+00:00 in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany To: Public
Leute, die lauter ſprechen, weil sie Kopfhörer aufhaben. Immer wieder putzig.2013-05-14T02:15:05+00:00 in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany To: Public
Schreibt man eigentlich xkcd-desk oder xkcdesk? #dieſchwierigenFragenImLeben