
Freemor at

@JanKusanagi is completely right here.. XMPP + OMEMO is super easy to use. There are sooo many publicly available XMPP servers (or you can run your own). Plus dispite a lot of moaning that I see XMPP + OTR is really not that hard to use. which always seems to be the argument against it. Heck there's even XMPP + GPG which does have it's issues but also has it's uses.

So we have:

Federated Vs. Centralized

Open Standards Vs. Openish depending it seems on @moxies mood

Many clients Vs. Mostly the one

etc., etc.

It boggles my mind that people still waste their time and lives on proprietary/centralized chat silos.

You can see my full views on the issue here, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.