Amy H. gamerchick02@identi.ca
Michigan, United States
Mechanical engineer, sports follower, gamer, lover of the offbeat, music nut, and geek.
=> https://queer.party/@greytheearthling at 2008-07-02T22:19:24+00:00
suddenly Twitter seems all closed and evilAmy H. likes this.
=> https://queer.party/@greytheearthling shared this.
The Dick Turpin Road Show
EP55 "v2.0" is released. http://tdtrs.co.uk #tdtrsMikael, Amy H., morgenland, Evan Prodromou likes this.
(╯°□°)╯︵ǝןıdɯoɔǝןqnop, Evan Prodromou shared this.
laurelrusswurm at 2012-08-29T01:17:11+00:00
off to read arsTechnica: Big Brother on a budget: How Internet surveillance got so cheap http://www.ur1.ca/a1ubxAmy H. likes this.
Roger Pixley at 2010-07-06T18:03:50+00:00
@jargon Well Hollywood doesn't produce anything anymore They do tributes to creative industries varnished with moneyAmy H. likes this.
Nicholas Sanders at 2010-02-03T20:42:44+00:00
John McCain is a lying sack of crap. He has absolutely no scruples. I am so glad he is not the POTUS.Amy H. likes this.
Alvaro at 2009-08-11T01:25:03+00:00
I think the 'i' in iPhone stands for i['m a snob]Phone.Doug Whitfield Sports Account, Amy H. likes this.
- "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."
Amy H. likes this.
bigbrovar at 2009-04-24T18:16:15+00:00
!Ubuntu as slick as Win7, Mac OS X http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9595_22-291651.htmlAmy H. likes this.
Todd Eddy at 2009-01-03T20:50:20+00:00
awesome, the guy that made the char counter plugin for #pidgin made a .deb package that works in #ubuntu http://is.gd/euNy