=> https://queer.party/@greytheearthling gregknicholson@identi.ca
Ubuntu Archive Status ubuntustatus@identi.ca
Alerts and status when there are problems in the Ubuntu archives that are likely to cause very serious problems for a large number of users.
Pete Daniels pete@identi.ca
The City, MN
The brand you trust! Look for it wherever the shit hits the fan! Now writing on baseball at sportazine.com and baseball history at buffalopete.net.
Doug Whitfield Sports Account dougsportazine@identi.ca
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Former Editor-and-Chief of Sportazine.com (I am no longer involved in Sportazine in any way other than a few accounts still having sportazine in the name). Former adidas elite player and coach with Triangle Futbol Club. Former coach/official with i9 (soccer, basketball, baseball, gridiron). Former some other things... If sports aren't your thing, maybe one of my other projects is for you. Find out more at http://douglasawh.wordpress.com/2014/08/15/what-netizen-empowerment-federation-nef-and-its-constituent-sites-need/
Chris Watkins chriswaterguy@identi.ca
Melbourne, Australia
Director of the Appropedia Foundation (I also manage @appropedia): knowledge sharing for sustainability & development.
JP Russell ragnarokangel@identi.ca
Patterson Crossroads, United States
Love, Music, Tech, Art, Games, English, Open Source, Free Culture.
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) w3c@identi.ca
The World Wide Web Consortium develops interoperable technologies (specs, guidelines, software, tools) to lead the Web to its full potential
Matthew Davidson freemjd@identi.ca
Sawtell, Australia
Dot org entrepreneur, inventor of the alcoholic mocktail, a distressed asset. http://microblog.ourcoffs.org.au/mjd.
Hippy Steve exador23@identi.ca
Los Angeles, United States
Home is now brainbird, where language and clear communication isn't under attack by an arbitrarily small character limit.
بنیامین لهستانی نژاد binyamin@identi.ca
Ildefonso, Brazil
هر کجا هستم باشم آسمان مال من است پنجره فکر هوا عشق زمین مال من است چه اهمیت دارد گاه اگر می رویند قارچ های غربت؟
Susan Pinochet sdp0@identi.ca
Atlanta, United States
avid computer user, former programmer, lover of good design, armchair philosopher, lesbian homemaker
Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. andyc@identi.ca
Now resident at PumpDog
Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'.
Maxime Pelletier pm@identi.ca
Quebec City, Canada
Web programmer, open source lover (using gentoo-kde), all around geek without social life http://last.fm/user/maxime94
Børge A. Roum forteller@identi.ca
Oslo sentrum, Norway
I'm a leftie, freegan, FLOSS & web 2.0 enthusiast. Climate change is the worst threat humanity has been up against. Why don't we fix it?
Stav Prodromou stav@identi.ca
San Francisco Bay Area, California, United States
Open microblogging service enthusiast. I ♥ identi.ca and pump.io. Avid major league baseball fan, especially devoted to the Oakland Athletics. Go A's!
Ed Fonseca edythemighty@identi.ca