gregor herrmann

No more Data Retention in Austria

gregor herrmann at

Effective immediately, the Austrian Constitutional Court has annulled the Data Retention laws in Austria this morning. In its ruling, the court declared data retention unconstitutional and contradicting the fundamental right to data protection and the article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (privacy and family life).

Presseinfo des VfGH (German)

Press release of the Constitutional Court (English)

Kundmachung der Aufhebung (German)

Schriftliches Urteil des VfGH (German)

Bernhard E. Reiter, Axel Beckert likes this.

Bernhard E. Reiter shared this.

Oh, some good news... impressive!

JanKusanagi at 2014-06-27T23:48:34Z