gregor herrmann gregoa@identi.ca
Innsbruck, Europe
Debian Developer. European citizen. OpenPGP key 0xBB3A68018649AA06. Content under CC-BY-SA 4.0.
2019-07-11T19:35:49Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
#twitter down, und #zib2 gibts heute auch keine.
get pump.io eigentlich noch?
political science in practice
2016-09-26T11:50:20Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
indicator for a failed state: timezone changes on short notice. last example: turkey https://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/turkey-scraps-dst-2016.html
MATTEO BECHINI, Kyosuke, Dana, Stephen Michael Kellat likes this.
Kyosuke, Kyosuke, Kyosuke, Kyosuke and 2 others shared this.
FSF Bulletin
2015-12-19T19:18:24Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers, Free Software Foundation
saturday evening. reading the #fsfbulletin. time well spent.
pump2rss.com problems
2015-10-12T07:16:28Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers, Evan Prodromou
"pump2rss.com uses an invalid security certificate.
The certificate expired on 27.07.2014 11:07."
(And it also timeouts.)
10 years
2015-08-06T01:48:51Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
today 10 years ago I started to blog: http://info.comodo.priv.at/blog/
Greg Grossmeier likes this.
2015-07-25T01:59:58Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
dear browser vendors and web designers: are you paid by RAM vendors or are you just clueless?
Elena ``of Valhalla'', Deunan, Stephen Michael Kellat, jrobb likes this.
Stephen Michael Kellat, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer shared this.
inkompetenz, dein name ist "tirol kliniken"
2015-06-24T10:03:35Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
die tilak heisst jetzt "tirol kliniken". sämtliche URLs unter *.{tilak,uki}.at sind kaputt. #ibktwit #inkompetenz #tirolkliniken #tilak
Lock! Me! In!
2015-06-24T08:23:06Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
#facebook has turned off their RSS endpoint yesterday: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/changelog#v2_3_90_day_deprecations #fail #walledgarden
Adrián Perales, Douglas Perkins, Stephen Michael Kellat likes this.
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Douglas Perkins, Stephen Michael Kellat shared this.
No surprises there...
Well, one. The fact that the RSS option lasted this long xD
JanKusanagi at 2015-06-24T13:19:57Z
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Christopher Allan Webber, Evan Prodromou likes this.
I was subscribed to many Facebook pages on my RSS reader, and now they're all gone. The ONLY method to be informed of many local events is gone.
Thank you/fuck you, Facebook. ¬¬
>> Adrián Perales:
“The ONLY method to be informed of many local events is gone.
Thank you/fuck you, Facebook. ¬¬”Not to be rude or sound aggressive, but maybe you should send the thank you/fuck off to the people who only inform about their local events via this sucky silo. Just sayin'...
JanKusanagi at 2015-06-24T14:40:31Z
Lars Wirzenius, lostson, Douglas Perkins, Stephen Michael Kellat and 3 others likes this.
2015-06-04T19:03:10Z via AndStatus To: Public
dem #leokino fehlt der #ok-platz. #iffi #crossingeuropeafter the release is before the release
2015-04-30T21:39:53Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
% grep PRETTY_NAME /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux stretch/sid"
2015-04-25T19:14:54Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
right, the #crossingeurope wifi blocks connections to port 22. #clueless
little quiz
2015-04-03T01:56:14Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
what's this:
$ mount | wc -l
Debian events
2015-03-03T22:00:11Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
buy plane ticket for pkg-perl sprint: check. register for debconf: check.
2015-02-05T18:18:25Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
So true: "Privacy is the power to selectively reveal oneself to the world. ... To encrypt is to indicate the desire for privacy" (A Cypherpunk's Manifesto, 1993) http://www.activism.net/cypherpunk/manifesto.html
testbeta, Douglas Perkins, Charles Stanhope, Francisco M García Claramonte and 3 others likes this.
Olivier Mehani, Freemor shared this.
2015-02-03T16:18:35Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
Thanks to spending time in planes/on airports, I finally finished to read @BiellaColeman 's excellent "Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy", & I can only recommend it.
Tiago Bortoletto Vaz likes this.
Tiago Bortoletto Vaz shared this.
2015-01-11T16:51:18Z via AndStatus To: Public
Um 18:00: Kundgebung #jesuischarlie #innsbruck Goldenes Dachl #ibktwit. Platz füllt sich.