Guido Arnold

Guido Arnold at

TheyDontWantYou.To campaign will be launched tomorrow!

10,000 of these stickers are waiting to be used. Where would you put them?

#theydontwantyouto #fsfe #drm

Yutaka Niibe, Daniel likes this.

Bernhard E. Reiter, Yutaka Niibe, RuiSeabra, RuiSeabra shared this.

Nice! Potential issue though... background is NC while the website carries some income via Flattr. #justsaying

RuiSeabra at 2013-11-03T23:51:04Z

Thanks for pointing that out. I'll pass it on. NC causes more problems than it tries to solve... :(

Guido Arnold at 2013-11-05T10:46:19Z