Bernhard E. Reiter reiter@identi.ca
Owns and runs Intevation, a company doing "output" Free Software >=14 years. FSFE.org Founding GA Member. Dipl.Systemwiss., MSc. Homepage: www.intevation.de/~bernhard/index.en.html
Äh, Chef...
2014-09-16T11:43:28Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
Greenbone detects Heartbleed
2014-04-11T08:34:52Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
Greenbone OS not affected by Heartbleed, but detects the vulnerability. #ProfessionalFreeSoftware !FS
2014-03-21T12:10:54Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
Yes, video VP9 decoding. Audio Opus support : http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/28.0/releasenotes/ Go Iceweasel :) !FS
2014-03-03T13:04:39Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
The minimal principle: because being an open standard is not enough. EN version published.
2014-02-25T14:34:21Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
Munich goes Kolab !ilovefs #FreeSoftwareMajority
Yutaka Niibe likes this.
Yutaka Niibe shared this.
#Whatsapp alternatives
2014-02-24T15:13:07Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
Surespot, TextSecure and Xabber are !FreeSoftware ("Open Source") SMS/chat/message application. Thanks to Android-User 10/2013.
Evan Prodromou likes this.
There are lots of alternatives in #FDroid too. All of them not only #freesoftware #opensource, but also built from source, and downloadable from a repository you can trust (and being the repository freesoftware itself) :)
In the 'pure XMPP' side: Xabber, Tigase, Chatsecure, Yaxim, Beem, BombusMod
Non XMPP but being refactorized towards XMPP: Kontalk
I've tried myself and use frequently Xabber and Kontalk (2.x,non-XMPP), and now I'm beginning to try ChatSecure.
BTW I like to search and learn why a certain software is not in F-Droid (yet). Interesting comments about SureSpot and TextSecure.
2014-02-14T10:55:58Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
!FreeSoftware is my pillar, lets us all sleep better, I love it! #ilovefs2014-02-13T16:54:04Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
#youlovefs #ilovefs #welovefsGoing for gold .. for the next Fairphone batch. Taz.de article.
2014-02-06T09:06:03Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
#wearefairphone : http://taz.de/!132260/ (German cooperative newspaper) likes that gold shall become conflict free for the next batch.
"Auch wenn all das nur erste Schritte sind – von Umwelt- und Menschenrechtsorganisationen gibt es Lob."
"Wer jedoch darauf Wert legt, sein Telefon möglichst lange nutzen zu können, und wer kleine Anstöße für Veränderungen auf dem Markt geben möchte, für den ist das Gerät sicherlich eine gute Investition."
2014-02-04T09:33:52Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
"The pie chart is also the one visual that is abused the most. Every sales dashboard that I have seen uses pie charts for some data representation. However, the pie chart is hardly ever the right chart to use." Raffel Marty in Applied Security Visualization
2014-01-15T08:33:47Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Report from the 4th development meeting for www.openslides.org, took place in Osnabrück at the Intevation Office:
http://mail.openslides.org/pipermail/users-de/2014-January/000288.html (In German)2014-01-02T14:37:53Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
There is a User Experience report for the Tor Browser Bundle at http://www.iscproject.org/Tor_UX_Report_v1.1_05-06-13.pdf #privacy #crypto2013-12-27T15:37:02Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
The first !Fairphone s were delivered! http://www.fairphone.com/we-are-fairphone/ Cool! Waiting to get ours in January.Evan Prodromou likes this.
2013-12-27T14:31:18Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
In 16 years, !GnuPG >>has grown from being a hacker’s hobby into one of the world’s most critical anti-surveillance tools.<<
>>“Time has proven Free Software [1] to be the most trustworthydefender against companies and governments seeking to underminecitizen privacy” said Werner Koch, GnuPG Founder and LeadDeveloper<<>>Some of the world’s top security specialists are now counted among GnuPG users, including Bruce Schneier, Jacob Appelbaum, and Phil Zimmerman<< (http://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-announce/2013q4/000339.html)
Congratulations Werner, GnuPG and the democratic world!2013-12-27T14:08:50Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Trying https://pump2tweet.com ... with this post. Trying to reconnect to the mainstream world with the new pump.io software.Bernhard E. Reiter shared this.
2013-12-18T08:34:57Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Crypto library driving !GnuPG and #Gpg4win major update:
<a href="http://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-announce/2013q4/000336.html">libcrypt 1.6</a> faster and more algorithms. !FreeSoftware (Open Source).Robert Koch Institute has a bug (in their website)
2013-12-02T08:27:18Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
So not even Germany‘s national Public Health Institute (RKI) can keep bugs out of their "system". (Tried this morning with firefox --version: Mozilla Iceweasel 17.0.10. Probably Javascript and cookies blocked, but should not lead to a stack trace. Reproducable here.)2013-11-26T08:33:41Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Assemblies with more overview? http://openslides.org/en/ 1.5 is here! Faster updates, PDF display, full text search. !FreeSoftware as always. Professional support available (http://intevation.de/news.de.html#openslides-1.5 German).Yutaka Niibe shared this.
2013-11-26T08:26:03Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
BSI president Hange wishes for more Free Software, as it can used to build more secure solutions: http://mail.fsfeurope.org/pipermail/fsfe-de/2013-November/005981.html (German). BSI == German Federal Agency of IT-Securitymray INACTIVE likes this.
Yutaka Niibe shared this.