ghostdancer ghostdancer@identi.ca
Donostia - San Sebastián
Some time ago I went to the fediverse. Now on https://mastodon.sdf.org/@ghostdancer dad, debian user, geek, love cooking and eating (not foodie) and drinking(from beer to whisky all the way through wine and gintonic)
Arne Babenhauserheide arnebab@identi.ca
Graben-Neudorf, Germany
Free licensing idealist, roleplayer, hobby musician and writer, python coder, doing phd in physics – avatar from Trudy Wenzel (GPL). Find me on http://draketo.de and http://1w6.org
JumaX9 Wright jumax9@identi.ca
Estés donde estés y seas quién seas te estás tomando a ti mismo demasiado en serio.