2013-04-14T13:11:20+00:00 To: KDE, Public
Where I should suggest twitter sharing for Akgregator? !kdeha votado a favor de "64bit kernel"
2013-04-05T09:23:13+00:00 To: T.U., Linux, Public
2013-04-04T22:08:19+00:00 To: Arch Linux, Public
Are there any way to have some kind of adblock in rekonq? I use !archlinux 64bits. I think it came with it in previous versions, doesn't it?2013-03-10T12:45:49+00:00 To: Arch Linux, Public
3 updates for gparted in 2 days. Anything is going wrong? !archlinux2013-03-09T11:27:10+00:00 To: Linux, Public
@helfio there already is serverless xmpp (supported in e.g. Kopete and Pigdin), you'd only need to exted that to work outside of a LAN2013-03-09T11:25:21+00:00 To: Linux, Public
@helfio XMPP with OTR : Beem (in android) and you have also clients for the desktopvictorhck shared by helfio at 2013-02-19T18:43:11+00:00 To: Public
Las nuevas mascotas de !KDE Konqui, Katie and Friends http://ur1.ca/culmoGatoso Oso, Gatoso Oso, helfio, helfio shared this.
victorhck shared by helfio at 2013-02-19T18:43:11+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Las nuevas mascotas de !KDE Konqui, Katie and Friends http://ur1.ca/culmoGatoso Oso, Gatoso Oso, helfio, helfio shared this.
2013-01-01T20:25:33+00:00 To: Public
Tip: !DuckDuckGo as default search engine in !Firefox for !Android: just the same manually steps as for desktop !Firefox http://is.gd/dbaGePha votado a favor de "Window buttons on the right"
2012-09-08T08:47:02+00:00 To: mFat, Linux, Public
2012-08-09T11:45:11+00:00 To: Linux, Public
@helfio having issues with it too especially concerning push email. Doesn't seem to work.ha votado a favor de "Separate interfaces should be designed for desktop and mobile devices"
2012-08-09T15:09:19+00:00 To: Linux, Public
2012-07-30T18:38:36+00:00 To: Linux, Public
Any idea if Valve is going to use qt or gtk for steam in !linux ?Rafael Sanchez shared by helfio at 2012-07-27T16:47:27+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Dos semanas para !Steam !Linux. ¿Será el fin de nuestra vida social? http://ur1.ca/9uepsJosé Daniel Guerrero Gálvez, José Daniel Guerrero Gálvez, helfio, helfio shared this.
@rafaels76 Talves, Talves xDDD, aunque no soy muy jugon a esas cosas jejejeRafael Sanchez shared by helfio at 2012-07-27T16:47:27+00:00 To: Public
Dos semanas para !Steam !Linux. ¿Será el fin de nuestra vida social? http://ur1.ca/9uepsJosé Daniel Guerrero Gálvez, José Daniel Guerrero Gálvez, helfio, helfio shared this.
@rafaels76 Talves, Talves xDDD, aunque no soy muy jugon a esas cosas jejejePierre Schmitz shared by helfio at 2012-07-22T20:16:26+00:00 To: Public
If you want to keep a secret, put it on the !archlinux front page and nobody will ever read it.Taha likes this.
Dale Wilcox, Dale Wilcox, helfio, helfio shared this.
Pierre Schmitz shared by helfio at 2012-07-22T20:16:26+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
If you want to keep a secret, put it on the !archlinux front page and nobody will ever read it.Taha likes this.
Dale Wilcox, Dale Wilcox, helfio, helfio shared this.
2012-07-15T15:49:50+00:00 To: Linux, KDE, Public
Dia is a good one http://ur1.ca/9s7ta2012-07-15T15:48:57+00:00 To: Linux, KDE, Public
@helfio I think #Dia (gtk) is the most used one. You could try #Umbrello for !kde , though, seems nice. Else, maybe #CalligraFlow.Michał Andrzej Woźniak shared by helfio at 2012-06-19T19:42:49+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Suddenly, #Windows8 logo makes sooo much more sense! http://ur1.ca/9j40z !linux !lol !memes !fs !ubuntuPopa Adrian Marius, Carlos Solís likes this.
Carlos Solís, Carlos Solís, helfio, helfio and 6 others shared this.
@rysiek indeed! xD