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Dr. Debbie Berebichez ist eine Physikerin, die sich fĂźr mehr Frauen in technischen Berufen einsetzt.
About Debbie
Dr. Debbie Berebichez is a physicist, TV host and STEM advocate. She is the first Mexican woman to graduate from Stanford University with a PhD in Physics, and she uses her education and background to make science approachable and appealing to a wide range of audiences.

James Dearing 🐲 likes this.

Yay! for more women in STEM and working to present sucessful women in such roles. I do however feel a strong feminist cringe that All the shots of her are Super model/Glamor type shots. Just saying they wouldn't feel the need do that to Neil deGrasse Tyson. They shouldn't feel the need to do it to Dr. Debbie Berebichez.

Freemor at 2017-01-10T01:56:12Z

James Dearing 🐲 likes this.

Yes, this is a valid point. Question is if it was her idea to have these pictures of her online.

Ike at 2017-01-10T06:25:58Z