2022-06-21T04:53:10Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
A belated update to http://HenrysRecords.org: 203 new entries, bringing us to a new total of 64023. Happy searching & reporting, everyone! Suggestions and improvements are always welcome, of course.2021-03-25T17:38:54Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Another update to https://HenrysRecords.org, as of March 19th! 293 new pieces, for a total of 62661.Happy searching, everyone.Karl Fogel shared this.
2021-02-26T19:12:31Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
We've updated HenrysRecords.org again -- 443 new entries, for a total of 62368. Happy searching, everyone.(Also, for those who care about the technical details: we migrated the site from MySQL/MariaDB to Sqlite3, so the code got simpler and the site is faster too!)Karl Fogel likes this.
Karl Fogel shared this.
2020-05-28T16:53:07Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Hey, everyone, the site was down for a while but we fixed it and now it's back up: https://henrysrecords.org/. Sorry about the downtime.For the technically inclined, the details of the fix are here: http://viewvc.red-bean.com/henrysrecords?view=revision&revision=443Karl Fogel shared this.
2020-03-06T00:15:31Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
We updated https://HenrysRecords.com/ on Leap Day 2020, with 119 new entries for a total of 61,293.Happy searching, everyone.Karl Fogel likes this.
Karl Fogel shared this.
2020-01-13T08:42:53Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
We're starting out the new year right: Henry did a lot of cataloguing over the winter break, so we've just updated the database with 487 (whoa) new entries, for a grand total of 61,174.Enjoy your searches, folks! Feedback is welcome, as always.Karl Fogel likes this.
Karl Fogel shared this.
2019-12-25T20:37:41Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Merry Christmas, @henrysrecords users! We did a data upload today, using the most recent data export (fNovember 28th, 2019). It adds 266 new entries, for a grand total of 60,687.We're looking forward to many searches in the new decade!Karl Fogel likes this.
Karl Fogel shared this.
2019-07-01T17:23:19Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Some good news for HenrysRecords.org fans, er, I mean "users":
We moved to a shiny new fast server this weekend -- you should notice a *huge* speedup in searches. We also put the site under "https" (it had been "http"-only) to bring it up to modern security standards.Karl Fogel shared this.
2019-06-04T21:53:35Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
It's a joyous June at HenrysRecords.org: the database has been updated with 1016 new entries, for a total of 60,421, and the search form now does autofill on most fields (composer, title, orchestra, conductor, soloist, etc). Go wild, esteemed users of our site!nukem, Karl Fogel likes this.
Karl Fogel shared this.
2018-04-14T21:29:03Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Happy April to all in HenrysRecords Land! The database is newly updated as of today: 1287 new entries, for a total of 59405. http://henrysrecords.org/ awaits your searches...martinho, McClane, Karl Fogel likes this.
martinho, martinho, martinho, McClane and 2 others shared this.
2018-04-14T21:23:28Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2017-09-05T13:12:16Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Greetings, HenrysRecords-lings! 502 new entries added today, for a new total of 58118. Don't search anything we wouldn't search...Karl Fogel likes this.
Karl Fogel shared this.
2016-05-24T02:51:46Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
New http://henrysrecords.org/ update: 116 new entries, for 56831 total. (62783 searches since mid-2004 - you can't all be bots!) Enjoy.Greg Grossmeier, Karl Fogel likes this.
Karl Fogel shared this.
2015-12-01T17:10:07Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
New update at http://henrysrecords.org/ -- 185 new records, including more Vivaldi viola d'amore concertos than, like, anyone. Enjoy.Karl Fogel likes this.
Dana, Karl Fogel shared this.
2015-08-25T21:16:20Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Another update at henrysrecords.org: 1246 new entries, bringing us to 56530. All the free searches you can eat, folks! Enjoy.Greg Grossmeier likes this.
Karl Fogel shared this.
2014-09-25T05:37:52Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Big update at HenrysRecords.org -- 960 new entries for total of 55284, plus "Mussorgsky" now spelled consistently. Enjoy!Greg Grossmeier, n2t, Karl Fogel likes this.
Karl Fogel shared this.
2014-05-15T16:02:08Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Minor update to HenrysRecords.org last night: 61 new entries, for new total of 54,324. And there was much rejoicing.Greg Grossmeier, Karl Fogel likes this.
Karl Fogel shared this.
2014-04-20T00:30:56Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Updated the henrysrecords.org database again: 529 new entries, total now 54,263. Don't spend it all in one place, folks!Greg Grossmeier likes this.
Greg Grossmeier, Karl Fogel shared this.
2013-11-30T21:32:19Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
henrysrecords.org/ database updated on 28 Nov 2013 -- 547 new entries, for a total of 53,734! Go wild, folks.Karl Fogel likes this.
Karl Fogel shared this.
2013-06-11T20:01:30+00:00 in Chicago, Illinois, United States via web To: Public
http://henrysrecords.org/ database updated to May 2013 -- 196 new entries, for a total of 53,187! All data downloadable as always.Mike Linksvayer likes this.
Karl Fogel shared this.