dno at 2012-08-22T13:30:42+00:00
Android people, use more open-source: F-Droid FOSS Repository https://f-droid.org/Max Jonas Werner, F-Droid, a(n) person, Jenny Ondioline and 1 others likes this.
Roman Mindalev, a(n) person, Tomas Senabre Gonzalez, Tomas Senabre Gonzalez shared this.
Sebastián Caraballo at 2011-04-07T16:14:33+00:00
@arder si, es increíble lo fluido que van en comparación a flv. Por suerte ya falta poco para que flash no exista masJaime Alberto Silva likes this.
micuintus at 2011-02-11T14:58:05+00:00
Whoever fucked with !Microsoft, got screwed by Microsoft. !Nokia, you don't know that? !Qt !Nokia !MeeGoDimi Piraat, Jaime Alberto Silva, Charles-Edouard Coste likes this.
Jonathan Kolberg, Jonathan Kolberg, talou, talou and 2 others shared this.
@micu they probably know, but with a trojan-horse CEO...JanKusanagi at 2011-02-11T15:01:23+00:00
micuintus likes this.
micuintus at 2011-02-09T16:21:03+00:00
Jaime Alberto Silva, Evan Prodromou, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Jure Repinc (JLP) likes this.
Jaime Alberto Silva, Jaime Alberto Silva, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Hilton Garcia Fernandes and 6 others shared this.
Hey Nokia, if you'll drop MeeGo, Qt and GNU/Linux, we'll drop you! :P (vía @micu)