
JanKusanagi at

I think I've easily gone without Google for more than that xD

EDIT: oh wait... I guess watching/downloading Youtube videos would make that false =)

Stephen Sekula, dowie, Stephen Michael Kellat likes this.

Yeah, I've been without Google as well for a few years. If "without Google" means without a Google account, I have used Google search and YouTube, though.

sazius at 2016-09-03T06:51:55Z

dowie likes this.

You know, I don't think YouTube counts.  Yes, it's owned and operated by Google and yes, they'll do as much tracking of you there as any other service, but YouTube is also an indisputably useful resource for education and empowerment.

Perhaps my phrase "going without Google" should really be "avoiding tracking silos, where practical".  Which, I suppose, is really the intent.

dowie at 2016-09-03T09:05:08Z