The main change since v1.2.5 has been the refactoring of the way the timelines are handled, which makes updates much faster and the interface smoother. The number of unread posts is not reset on each update anymore. If you get more new posts than what you have configured to show in one page, you'll be notified of how many more posts are pending to be received in the next update. The posts opened from the Meanwhile feed via the "+" button will now be able to load the comments much more often.
Other smaller enhancements are a few new options in the Configuration dialog, such as the options to highlight comments made by you, comments made by the author of a post, to choose the size of avatars, or to show more obvious "frames" in shared posts.
There's also an option to hide duplicated posts; that is, posts which were already visible in the timeline will not be shown again when someone shares them.
One new feature that is not visible is nickname completion, a.k.a. "mentioning". If you type '@' while composing a post, you'll get a list of the people you follow. You can then type the first characters of a name and use the arrows and enter keys to select the contact you wish to mention. When creating a note, this will add that contact to the "To" list, which means they'll get your post in their "direct messages" inbox. This was possible before, using the "To" and "Cc" menus, but now it's simpler =)
Besides all that, the development has been moved to
Check the current CHANGELOG for a more detailed list of changes.
If you didn't already use the development version of Dianara and wish to try it out, you can find it here:
The INSTALL file has instructions on how to build it and dependencies.
As usual, feedback is welcome!
I hope to have a final release by May 1st.
Cheers! o/
wobbol, Naurim, B. Ross Ashley, PuppetMast3r and 4 others likes this.
mnd, mnd, Rebel Jedi, EVAnaRkISTO shared this.
>> animeguard:
“i would like to try”
You're welcome to try it, links to the source are right there in the note, but you'll have to build it yourself.
Which OS are you using?
>> animeguard:
“im really new at these, os mean my computer os?”
Sorry, yes, OS means operating system.
I don't know how to build on mswindows, but @luisgf makes build for it from time to time. v1.2.3 can be downloaded from his blog.
Hopefully he'll have builds for v1.3.0 soon after it's released =)
JanKusanagi at 2015-04-29T14:49:44Z
Scorpio20 likes this.