If you try it, let me know how it works for you. Specifically, if it feels slow while resizing the window. ;)
Filipe Saraiva, Steve, EVAnaRkISTO, Evan Prodromou and 1 others likes this.
I can't see in Dianara the image in https://identi.ca/evanarkisto/note/lP-u5DN5TtihiyMe6BoZjA because Dianara gets 403 HTTP error code (Forbidden).
I can see the image in a browser without any problem (http://auditoriaciudadana.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/PACD_BANNER-WEB-00.jpg)
I need to investigate that. I thought maybe that server doesn't like requests without UserAgent, but Dianara sends a UA, so... no idea what the problem is ;)