Today sazius used PumpMigrate to sync contacts between his main account and his backup account, and then apologized for the "noise" in our Meanwhile feeds.
And I thought... "follow" and "unfollow" are just activities, and therefore can be addressed to followers, to public, or to whoever we want, in theory.
So, it could be pretty great if PumpMigrate, when doing such a big-scale "migration", would create the "follow" (and "unfollow") activities setting the To/CC to a null address, to the address of the account being backed up, or only to the address of each person being followed, or something... as long as it's not "all followers" =)
If this works as I expect, it would mean silent migrations, zero annoyances and no more apologies :p
What do you think? Cheers!
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Colegota shared this.
At least I guess the person you follow should get it so their instance knows you are following them :-)
OK, didn't have time to test this today. Too busy installing Debian on my new SSD :-)
Pumpmigrate might not be actively maintained, though, at least it didn't work with the newest PyPump (I had to force pip to install 0.4).
I didn't get around to test the theory either =)
>> sazius:
“At least I guess the person you follow should get it so their instance knows you are following them :-)” probably puts whatever is needed into motion to make that happen anyway, but yes, it would make sense to send the activity to the user being referenced in it :p
I don't know how actively developed PumpMigrate is, but what better way of making it active than talking to its developer about possible enhancements, right? He he heee...