Respecto a los vídeos, me parece que Arcee ya te ha contestado. Si pide plugin pero luego los reproduce automáticamente, puede ser que sea posible reproducirse por ambos medios, flash que es privativo y todos conocemos por su mal funcionamiento y agujeros de seguridad, o usando los recursos del sistema (html5, codecs instalados...).
Otra cosilla, según veo ahí, tienes activado también el cd de instalación como repositorio. Si no lo usas, te aconsejo desactivarlo, ya que dará error a cada comprobación de software. No es que sea algo importante, ya que la actualización seguirá sin problemas, pero siempre te dará un "not found" o algo parecido con ese repo
2016-05-07T16:46:22Z via Web To: Public CC: Followers
juancuyo likes this.
>> Panko:
“[...] Si lo que quieres es poner una de una web tiene que ser publicando el link a la misma. [...]”
O usar un cliente de escritorio, que permiten hacer eso mismo =)
2016-05-05T22:28:42Z via Web To: Public CC: a(n) collection
2016-05-05T22:18:59Z via Web To: Public CC: Followers
Eso iba a decir, pulsa Q para salir del programa que te esta mostrando cambios.
EDIT: por cierto, "Debian Mate"? Querras decir Debian Jessie, no?
El escritorio que uses no define la version. Y puedes tener instalados varios.
2016-04-30T20:59:11Z via Web To: Public CC: Followers
EVAnaRkISTO shared by juancuyo at 2016-04-18T01:42:36Z via AndStatus To: Public
Desde que se aplica reconocimiento facial en Caralibro les dije a mis amigos y a cualquiera que me sacase una foto en una reunión, que no la subiesen a esa cárcel digital (ni a ninguna otra), y si lo hacían, que no me etiquetasen. Espero que me hayan hecho caso porque no tengo manera de comprobarlo.
Basta una foto de tu cara para saber quién eres
victorhck, cronos, Vladimir, Kete Foy likes this.
victorhck, RevueltaFeminista, RevueltaFeminista, RevueltaFeminista and 7 others shared this.
soloojos shared by juancuyo at 2016-04-15T16:53:14Z via AndStatus To: Public
Among 38 previously undisclosed companies receiving CIA venture capital funding, several are developing tools to mine social media.
jrobertson, Kete Foy likes this.
juancuyo, jrobertson, jrobertson, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) and 3 others shared this.
shared by juancuyo at 2016-04-14T17:15:49Z via AndStatus To: Public
EVAnaRkISTO likes this.
juancuyo, a(n) person, EVAnaRkISTO shared this.
Rebel Jedi shared by juancuyo at 2016-04-13T11:35:35Z via AndStatus To: Public
Un grupo de investigadores de Google, la Universidad de Illinois en Urbana-Champaign y la Universidad de Michigan se hicieron esa misma pregunta, y para responderla tuvieron la idea de hacer un experimento: dejar 297 pendrives USB alrededor del campus de Urbana-Champaign y esperar a ver qué pasaba.
Las conclusiones fueron interesantes: el 48% de esas unidades se recogieron y se conectaron a un ordenador, y algunas de ellas se usaron apenas unos minutos después de ser abandonadas en el campus para el estudio. El peligro de hacer algo así es evidente, y este experimento de ingeniería social demostró que muchos usuarios no piensan demasiado en las consecuencias de un acto tan simple como ese.
Freemor shared by juancuyo at 2016-04-10T11:57:47Z via AndStatus To: Public
2016-04-09 by Freemor
I'm getting tired of term "Sharing" or "sharing economy" being applied to things that clearly are not sharing. It muddies the waters in discussions of these services, it more about marketing then the reality of the situation, and frankly it's highly inaccurate.
Sharing is something does without profit in mind.
Things like Uber, AirBnB, etc. are not about sharing. There is an exchange of funds involved. The companies provide a service to people how in turn provide a different service to clients.
If you go to Uber's "Drive" page it is quite clear from the wording that this is not about sharing. Phrases like:
"earn what you need"
"we deduct a service fee"
clearly show that this has nothing to do with sharing. So any references to Uber as a sharing service are completely inaccurate. It is a business plain and simple.
So with the "sharing" mystique stripped away it is clear that Uber is just another taxi service and thus should be regulated like any other taxi service.
AirBnB is about the same, their website starts off with:
"Rent unique places to stay from local hosts in 190+ countries." (emphasis mine)
Renting is not sharing. Also the "Hosts" pay a service fee to AirBNB:
"You'll only pay a 3% service fee".
So, once again we have a Company offering a service to people who offer a different service to clients. No Sharing. And with the "Sharing" mystique once again stripped away it's clear that this is just an unregulated hotel service.
So can we please stop referring to companies like this as "sharing" or being part of a "Sharing Economy". The use of that term is nothing but marketing buzz and an attempt to try and duck regulations that are generally there to protect the public.
Now if you take a site like CouchSurfing you'll be looking at something that is about sharing. Accommodations offered for free. No stings attached. No earning or service fees. However the company providing the site is not entirely in the sharing business, from their "Terms of use" we see:
"Couchsurfing may offer the opportunity to purchase products and services from third parties. You acknowledge that such products and services are offered and sold to you by one or more third parties. For more information, please refer to the applicable third party's terms of sale and privacy policy that are presented as part of the checkout process."
So even though CouchSurfing facilitates sharing they are in it to make a buck. They are a business. They are offering a monetized service.
I am in no way disparaging CouchSurfing. Everyone needs to eat. And bravo! they are facilitating actual sharing. Good for them. I'm just saying that their motivations are not entirely selfless.
I am also not saying that there is a dearth of sharing. Certainly the capitalistic society in which we live tries hard to push people away from sharing, as it is bad for their bottom line. Even so, I have seen many people offer public spaces and resources on-line for altruistic and/or selfless reasons.
People who run Tor nodes are sharing their bandwidth and computer resources. The same goes for people running I2P nodes, or people running publicly available nodes or Diaspora pods. There is also the thousands of people that devote their time and energy to creating freely available GPL'd software.
So there is definitely a sharing economy out there. It just isn't the one you hear about. And sadly the "Sharing Economy" that is getting all the press isn't about sharing at all, just more capitalistic endeavours trying to wrap themselves in a palatable and marketable guise.
from: My Blog, juancuyo, EVAnaRkISTO, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) and 7 others likes this.
Colegota, juancuyo, EVAnaRkISTO, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) and 3 others shared this.
Benjamin Cook at 2016-04-09T16:43:23Z
EVAnaRkISTO,, gledof likes this.
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) at 2016-04-10T08:48:07Z
X11R5 likes this.
2016-02-08T19:31:38Z via Web To: Public CC: Followers
2016-02-08T19:27:18Z via Web To: Public CC: Followers
2016-02-08T19:23:02Z via Web To: Public CC: Followers
Supongo que lo que tienes es un router, no un modem. Si es un router, deberas entrar en su configuracion y redirigir los puertos que uses en tu Amule (4662 TCP, 4665 UDP, y 4672 UDP ahora mismo, segun tu captura) a la IP de tu PC.
Hay muchisimas guias sobre este tema en Internet. No necesitas que sean "para" Amule, el concepto de redirigir puertos del router a un PC concreto es el mismo independientemente del SO o del programa que necesite esa conexion directa.
EDIT: @Panko se adelanto xD
Por cierto, no hacia falta tanta captura, creo yo... con esta bastaba para ilustrar tu problema.
2016-02-08T19:16:49Z via Web To: Public CC: Followers