Jesús Casas S.
Santiago, Chile
Ingeniero Civil Industrial, Universidad de Chile. Ciclista urbano co-fundador de Beelivery.
Renata Avila
Renata Avila, (Guatemalan), International Human Rights and Technology Lawyer and author, Co-founder of the Alliance for Inclusive Algorithms. She is an Advisory Board member for Creative Commons. She also serves as a Global Trustee of the Think Tank Digital Future Society and a Council Member of the Progressive International. Currently, she is about to launch a global effort to democratise knowledge.
Beatriz Busaniche
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Activista de Software y Cultura Libre. Wikipedista. Docente de UBA en #fsoc.
Gūshdūn, Iran
/ Open Source / backgammon - tennis player / User Android - HTC - / gnu/linux # 498226 - Linux machine # 409830 /
Inkscape Brasil
Cinco Anzóis, Brazil
Micro-posts da comunidade brasileira de Inkscape
Carlos Castillo
Barcelona, Spain
No intelectual monopolies, no speciesism, no religion, no consumerism.
Ubuntu One
Team account for Ubuntu One, the personal cloud that brings your digital life together.
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
The World Wide Web Consortium develops interoperable technologies (specs, guidelines, software, tools) to lead the Web to its full potential
Junior@Sumosa:/# ⠠⠵
Informático Activista #SoftwareLibre |Militante de la JCV☭|Estudiante de Derecho|Interés Seguridad Información #HackingEtico #PenTest ⠠⠵
Adrián Perales
Cadiz, Spain
Profesor de Lengua Castellana y Literatura en Secundaria. Apasionado de la cultura.
Andrea Soru
San Donato in Fronzano, Italy
Andrea Soru 'Jabaro' is an italian eclectic artist...
Gatoso Oso
Concepción, Chile
¿Para qué quiero tu dinero si sé ver lo infinito y eterno en lo limitado y perecedero? Ciencias naturales, filosofía de las ciencias, software libre, metal, gatos, GNU/Linux, KDE
Luis Eduardo Vivero
Atenas, Costa Rica
Soy un ser de Luz. Escritor novel. Activista. Con interés en la libertad y soberanía de los pueblos. Ingeniero Electrónico, experto en FLOSS
Carolina Flores Hine
Soy (hiper)activista de software libre, no programo ni el reloj despertador, escribo poesía y algún día terminaré una novela.
Alexandre Oliva
Campinas, SP, Brazil
Free Software Evangelist. GNU speaker and advisory committee member. Recipient of FSF's 2016 Award for the Advancement of Free Software. FSF Latin America board member. LibrePlanet São Paulo activist. 0G foreseer. Maintainer of GNU Linux-libre, and co-maintainer of the GNU Compiler Collection, GNU binutils and GNU libc. Libre-SOC contributor. GNU tools engineer at AdaCore.