2014-02-24T20:55:53Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2013-12-30T05:07:07Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
#bitcoin is big business.. mining #litecoin and its offshoots can still be fruitful for the common man.
http://spectrum.ieee.org/computing/networks/bitcoins-computing-crisis2013-09-26T06:32:25Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Successfully built bitcoin-0.8.4-1.fc20.x86_64Dr. Roy Schestowitz shared by Jerald Vanderraad at 2012-11-14T03:06:53+00:00 via web To: Public
Send 283 drone strikes, get Nobel Peace Prize. I guess #Obama stole Kissinger's thunder for Nobel satire.Jose R Rodriguez, Jose R Rodriguez, Jerald Vanderraad, Jerald Vanderraad shared this.
voted for "Something else which I will tell you about below"
spzpp2 shared by Jerald Vanderraad at 2012-04-01T12:55:16+00:00 via IdentiCurse To: Public
Jerald Vanderraad shared this.
Wikileaks shared by Jerald Vanderraad at 2012-04-01T12:54:44+00:00 via IdentiCurse To: Public
voted for "Something else which I will tell you about below"
2012-03-26T19:02:01+00:00 To: Pete Daniels, a(n) person, Public
Jose R Rodriguez shared by Jerald Vanderraad at 2012-03-22T02:41:53+00:00 via web To: Public
♺ @arstechnica #PirateBay to build aerial server drones with $35 !Linux computer http://arst.ch/t03 The future belongs to Free & #OpenSourceKonoha Amano, Konoha Amano, Jerald Vanderraad, Jerald Vanderraad shared this.
voted for "Others"
2012-02-01T20:30:49+00:00 To: a(n) person, a(n) person, a(n) person, Public
Patrick McFarland shared by Jerald Vanderraad at 2012-02-01T20:26:38+00:00 via web To: Public
!EFF wants to help you get your files back from MegaUpload's servers before they're erased http://identi.ca/url/65885060 #sopa #terrorismJerald Vanderraad, Jerald Vanderraad, ghostdancer, ghostdancer shared this.
voted for "Evolution"
2012-01-27T23:28:19+00:00 To: Lev Lazinskiy, a(n) person, a(n) person, Public
voted for "Music Player Daemon + Client (like ncmpc(pp), sonata, ario)"
2012-01-22T03:31:21+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
2011-11-16T19:45:30+00:00 in Vancouver, Canada To: Public
RIP Ilya. http://ur1.ca/5vbgx #diaspora2011-11-01T20:10:20+00:00 in Howard Johnson Hotel - Vancouver, BC, British Columbia, Canada To: Creative Commons, Public
A personal appeal from CC CEO Cathy Casserly - http://ur1.ca/5kxot via @creativecommonsLinux Today shared by Jerald Vanderraad at 2011-10-16T02:46:12+00:00 via mirror To: Public
Samba: Here is a change we're instituting immediately to make it easier for corporations to contribute code changes to …Linux Today shared by Jerald Vanderraad at 2011-10-15T06:41:03+00:00 via mirror To: Public
Linux Today shared by Jerald Vanderraad at 2011-10-15T01:13:51+00:00 via mirror To: Public