jidm jidm@identi.ca
Mar del Plata, Argentina
Javier Di Mauro. GLAMP programmer & social geek. Loves the web, and likes Debian.
José María Serralde joseserralde@identi.ca
Mexico City, Mexico
Concert pianist / cultural promoter / technology consultant. Free technology + Free culture + liberal arts advocate.
Escuelas Libres escuelaslibres@identi.ca
Posadas, Misiones, Argentina
Alternativas Libres en la Educación y Experiencias Educativas Empleando Software Libre
Carlos Augusto ARES arescorpio@identi.ca
Gūshdūn, Iran
Microelectronics,Robotics,Free Software and Open Source OS
Diego Cordoba d1cor@identi.ca
San Rafael, Mendoza
Computer Engineer (Ing. en Informatica), GNU/Linux instructor and consultant. Professor, and more. My site: d1cor.tk
Lars Wirzenius liw@identi.ca
Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn zooko@identi.ca
Boulder, United States
Founder and CEO of Least Authority Enterprises. Email zooko@leastauthority.com or zooko@zooko.com.
Albert Astals Cid tsdgeos@identi.ca
Antonio Terceiro aterceiro@identi.ca
Salvador, Brazil
free software developer at COLIVRE; Software Engineering PhD researcher at UFBA
Luis Falcon meanmicio@identi.ca
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Free Software, Social and Animal Rights activist #Vegan President of GNU Solidario
Beatriz Busaniche beabusaniche@identi.ca
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Activista de Software y Cultura Libre. Wikipedista. Docente de UBA en #fsoc.