jidm jidm@identi.ca
Mar del Plata, Argentina
Javier Di Mauro. GLAMP programmer & social geek. Loves the web, and likes Debian.
GNU MediaGoblin at 2012-09-18T17:48:32+00:00
Amazing things are happening in development right now! API landed! Galleries landed! Favoriting landed! WOW!Mauricio Mejia, Gemini, jidm, Greg Grossmeier and 1 others likes this.
Mauricio Mejia, Mauricio Mejia, Christian Campos, Christian Campos shared this.
GNU MediaGoblin at 2012-08-24T17:07:53+00:00
!GNU !MediaGoblin 0.3.1, "A Whole New Look", is out! New stuff, including theming support, and a brand new theme! http://ur1.ca/a0snyRiveraValdez, Rob Myers, Aleksej, jidm and 1 others likes this.
Rob Myers, Rob Myers, Marcio B. Jr., Marcio B. Jr. and 6 others shared this.
http://www.reddit.com/r/gnu/duplicates/yrgyz/gnu_mediagoblin_031_a_whole_new_look_is_out_new/ upboats as usual are welcome :)Christopher Allan Webber at 2012-08-24T17:17:56+00:00
RiveraValdez likes this.
Windigo at 2011-10-18T15:17:28+00:00
Facebook profiles non-users, too: http://ur1.ca/5fnbxanon, jidm, Stephen Michael Kellat, Neil Hodges likes this.
Maxime, Maxime, hirnbloggade, hirnbloggade and 4 others shared this.
@windigo if all this shit keeps up, I might just become a non-user of facebookx1101 at 2011-10-18T15:47:48+00:00
Stephen Michael Kellat likes this.
@windigo oh boy, am I even going to want to read this! *gets tin foil hat*Free Software Foundation at 2011-10-17T19:44:01+00:00
a(n) person, Jonathan Nadeau, Bruce Cowan, jidm and 8 others likes this.
a(n) person, a(n) person, Jonathan Nadeau, Jonathan Nadeau and 10 others shared this.
rozzin at 2011-10-11T04:42:00+00:00
!q "Calvin, go do something you hate! Being miserable builds character!"X11R5 at 2011-10-10T19:20:07+00:00
y no se de cual se fumo @elcrayon porque no acabamos el vedadero enemigo que es ser desgraciado, poca cosa, infieljidm likes this.
Gerard Braad at 2011-10-05T01:03:36+00:00
RT @qihardware !Milkymist One is available from Sharism Ltd. now, and sells for 499 USD plus shipping from Taipei - http://ow.ly/6MsVJjidm, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
jidm, jidm, Christopher Allan Webber, Christopher Allan Webber shared this.
Zach Copley at 2011-10-03T16:48:11+00:00
Another problem with "dislike" and other down-vote mechanisms is they can be abused to censor people. Too dangerous.jidm likes this.
X11R5 at 2011-10-01T06:54:16+00:00
jidm likes this.
Eduardo Zúñiga at 2011-09-27T12:15:39+00:00
♻ @MeeGoExperts: MeeGo to Merge with Limo – NEC / Panasonic and Samsung http://mge.bz/oD #MeeGo #Samsung #Limojidm likes this.
Free Software Foundation at 2011-09-27T21:45:35+00:00
We delivered over 1,000 signatures asking #ThisAmericanLife to use Ogg Vorbis! http://ur1.ca/57x37 !fsf !gnu !playogga(n) person, donald robertson III, jidm, John Sullivan and 3 others likes this.
a(n) person, a(n) person, Sebastian Oliva, Sebastian Oliva and 4 others shared this.
Mike Sheldon at 2011-09-27T21:47:31+00:00
!librefm now has a basic mechanism for artists to sign-up directly without needing to poke me: http://bit.ly/pDSCXpBrian Dunnette, Jenny Ondioline, jidm, Erkan Yılmaz likes this.
Mike Linksvayer, Mike Linksvayer shared this.
fauno at 2011-09-21T20:31:49+00:00
It's going to be a @rms & Nina Paley talk on Oct 1st IIRC. I wouldn't call it hippocrisy but a contradiction to solve on our movements :Djidm likes this.
X11R5 at 2011-09-27T05:20:07+00:00
Gol de costa rica a los usuarios.tienen que mover el culo y dar lo mejorjidm likes this.