Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn zooko@identi.ca
Boulder, United States
Founder and CEO of Least Authority Enterprises. Email zooko@leastauthority.com or zooko@zooko.com.
2013-06-12T09:33:13+00:00 in Alt-Kölln, Land Berlin, Germany via web To: Public
Okay, folks, I'm leaving identi.ca. It's been awesome. Follow for now on twitter. <3 --Zooko2013-06-12T07:10:08+00:00 in Alt-Kölln, Land Berlin, Germany via web To: Public
To be clear, I don't want the Director of National Intelligence to be fired. I just want you, gentle reader, to know that they are lying.2013-06-12T07:06:13+00:00 in Alt-Kölln, Land Berlin, Germany via web To: Public
“a statement either is or isn’t; there’s no such thing as speaking in a ‘most truthful’ or ‘least untruthful’ manner.”—http://ur1.ca/ea9ki2013-06-12T06:05:35+00:00 in Alt-Kölln, Land Berlin, Germany via web To: Public
So…the Director of National Intelligence perjured before Congress, but the Democrats are pretending not to notice? http://nyti.ms/12kox6e2013-06-10T05:32:52+00:00 in Alt-Kölln, Land Berlin, Germany via web To: Public
This @EconTalker episode was one of the good ones: http://www.econtalk.org/archives/2013/06/kling_on_the_th.html2013-06-09T22:08:28+00:00 in Alt-Kölln, Land Berlin, Germany via web To: Public
Ed Snowden speaks for me. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/video/2013/jun/09/nsa-whistleblower-edward-snowden-interview-video2013-06-09T20:35:07+00:00 in Alt-Kölln, Land Berlin, Germany via web To: Public
2013-06-09T11:09:22+00:00 in Kreuzberg, Land Berlin, Germany via web To: Public
The ending quote from the NSA spokesperson is priceless. http://identi.ca/url/759759592013-06-09T11:08:08+00:00 in Kreuzberg, Land Berlin, Germany via web To: Public
This sure makes it sound like the US intelligence apparatus has been lying to its Congressional overseers. http://identi.ca/url/759759592013-06-08T08:16:29+00:00 in Kreuzberg, Land Berlin, Germany via web To: Public
Okay, here's what I've done so far: refactor my Python benchmarking utility a bit… https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/pyutil/changeset/2902013-06-08T07:18:28+00:00 in Kreuzberg, Land Berlin, Germany via web To: Public
Incoming new users! Batten the hatches! Polish up the FAQ! https://tahoe-lafs.org/pipermail/tahoe-dev/2013-June/008351.html2013-06-08T06:43:25+00:00 in Kreuzberg, Land Berlin, Germany via web To: Public
Okay, I can't keep sitting here worrying about things. I'm going to go hack on some software…2013-06-08T06:17:56+00:00 in Kreuzberg, Land Berlin, Germany via web To: Public
And you know what? This kind of parsing of coded statements is bullshit, like the USSR and China. It's depressing that we've come to this.2013-06-08T06:15:54+00:00 in Kreuzberg, Land Berlin, Germany via web To: Public
…those companies are being forced, if not to lie, then at least to mislead, and they want USGov to let them out of it.2013-06-08T06:15:08+00:00 in Kreuzberg, Land Berlin, Germany via web To: Public
I think the plea for "transparency" from USGov in the eerily similar statements from the various PRISM companies mean that …2013-06-08T06:10:39+00:00 in Kreuzberg, Land Berlin, Germany via web To: Public
So far they appear to be issuing a press release that raises more questions than it answers and then waiting to see if that's enough.2013-06-08T06:09:53+00:00 in Kreuzberg, Land Berlin, Germany via web To: Public
Remember how Google shook the world by getting all over the Chinese incursion, and then going public with it? Contrast with PRISM.2013-06-08T06:09:14+00:00 in Kreuzberg, Land Berlin, Germany via web To: Public
I can't shake the feeling that if Google's PRISM denial was true, they would be all over figuring out what the hell is really going on.2013-06-08T05:31:30+00:00 in Kreuzberg, Land Berlin, Germany via web To: Public
The waitresses at room77.de say that they get about 1 Bitcoin customer per day, and many on Thursdays at the Bitcoin meetup.2013-06-07T22:35:52+00:00 in Kreuzberg, Land Berlin, Germany via web To: Public
“national security is harmed: not by disclosure…but through the erosion of our commitment to the rule of law”— http://identi.ca/url/75971383