Jim Fulner

Interaction with post from a different account than the one being viewed

Jim Fulner at

@andstatus@identi.ca i noticed the option today that let me switch between pump.io accounts such that I could quickly and easily choose to reply to or share to a post from a different account than the one in whose timeline it had been seen. In the attached screenshot you can see in logged into yatfaithfirefellowship@datamost.com and when i look at options related to the post by @jxself@datamost.com one of the options I get is ti "act as jimfulner" which allowed me to directly reply from this account jimfulner@identi.ca. This was actually one of the reasons I originally downloaded #AndStatus months ago, as the description in the app store sounded like it did that, but when i never saw the option on my AP accounts I just assumed I misunderstood the description

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