
beautiful botanicals

joeyh at

A little bit of summer color for yall back north.

Nathan Willis, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Charles Stanhope likes this.

The dark flower thing is from Africa, and the fuzzy leaf is in the Sub-Antarctic plant house and is native to 54 degrees south.

joeyh at 2017-01-12T00:09:57Z

Nice shots (these and the others). Thanks for shareing

Freemor at 2017-01-12T00:11:54Z

Looks like California except for the fuzzy leaf, I guess all non-natives here. The black flower thing looks like of which it and relatives are all over. The purple flower thing looks like a Cardoon.

Mike Linksvayer at 2017-01-12T01:54:37Z

Yes, lots of non-natives in the botanical gardens. There is a TAZ section, including a dozen different endangered species, but less flashy.

joeyh at 2017-01-12T02:05:50Z