Bonus points if it uses pieces from the piecepack (because. public. domain. boardgame. kit.).
I'm seriously considering printing out a couple of sets on cardstock and start moving them around in search of ideas, but I have zero experience as a game designer.
P.S. the link at the bottom in "License: Same as git-annex logo" points to a page where there is no mention of a license; after a bit of browsing I've found;a=blob_plain;f=debian/copyright;hb=HEAD (I guess this is the relevant url, is it?).
Elena ``of Valhalla'' at 2015-11-20T19:32:02Z
Federico likes this.
Yes, the full text of the license is "Free to modify and redistribute with due credit, and obviously free to use." (Which was not my idea.)
If I were going to do that, I'd move the arrow to go from one corner of the hex to another. That allows for forking and merging paths.