2013-08-21T01:34:08Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
source : https://we.riseup.net/users/new-capitalyst-pyramid+40727
!capitalism2013-07-27T21:43:47Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public, Followers
Anoté en mi blog un nuevo post: "Snowden, redes sociales, autorganización y autogestión" https://tinyurl.com/nkbyf2wDe hackers y abejas...
2013-07-23T00:21:03Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public, Followers
"El Kit de la lucha en Internet" de Margarita Padilla. Nuevo apunte en mi blog https://tinyurl.com/m5k4r9p2013-07-19T01:36:32Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public, Followers
Nuevo apunte en mi Blog,
Stallman, Snowden y Assange, "YES WE CAN"
'New post in my blog'Tela en las Barrancas de Belgrano
2013-07-16T17:24:27Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public, Followers
Sin palabras ...2013-07-14T16:18:11Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public, Followers
"Hoy reparto de indios" (Awka Liwen- Rebelde Amanecer) , nuevo apunte en mi blog (I) https://tinyurl.com/o86rrmu2013-07-14T01:55:10Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public, Followers
Opt out of PRISM, the NSA’s global data surveillance program. Stop the American government from spying on you by encrypting your communications and ending your reliance on proprietary services.
https://prism-break.org/2013-07-14T01:47:31Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public, Followers
Opta por salir de PRISM el programa mundial de vigilancia de datos de la NSA. Deja de reportar tus actividades en línea al gobierno estadounidense con estas alternativas libres al software privativo.
https://prism-break.org/#es2013-07-09T18:17:27+00:00 in Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires F.D., Argentina via web To: Public
apt-get cooking lentejas Mmmhhh!2013-07-09T11:37:14+00:00 in Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires F.D., Argentina via web To: Public
git clone http://identi.ca/url/761076622013-07-07T14:55:26+00:00 in Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires F.D., Argentina via web To: Public
"Žižek's critique of direct democracy": http://youtu.be/dhnLqAUdYKkEVAnaRkISTO shared by jordilopezamat at 2013-07-07T00:17:03+00:00 via mustard To: Public
@PascualSerrano Evo no puede sobrevolar Europa, pero quienes transportaban secuestrados por la CIA para torturarlos sí http://ur1.ca/ejtbkjordilopezamat shared this.
2013-07-06T05:28:46+00:00 in Belgrano, Vicente López, Buenos Aires F.D., Argentina via web To: Public
"A New Declaration" (Emma Goldman) | OccupyWallSt.org: http://identi.ca/url/760945332013-06-30T12:09:22+00:00 in Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires F.D., Argentina via web To: Public
"Mujeres y Bienes Comunes: apuntes para un debate necesario" http://identi.ca/url/76069077John Sullivan shared by jordilopezamat at 2013-06-28T17:08:12+00:00 via mustard To: Public
Tim Berners-Lee signs stopwatching.us, which is awesome, but then supports Web #DRM, which watches us? !fsf !dbdوليد سعود, José María Serralde, jordilopezamat shared this.
2013-06-17T18:05:12+00:00 in Belgrano, Vicente López, Buenos Aires F.D., Argentina via web To: Public
"Acostumbrarse es morir" http://fmlatribu.com2013-06-12T18:04:18+00:00 in Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires F.D., Argentina via web To: Public
sudo apt-get clean toiletDr. Roy Schestowitz shared by jordilopezamat at 2013-06-10T18:27:11+00:00 via mustard To: Public
5 years ago in the 'guardian': Cloud computing is a trap, warns GNU founder Richard Stallman http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2008/sep/29/cloud.computing.richard.stallman !fsflibre likes this.
jordilopezamat, Christian - Identica, وليد سعود, Todd Howe and 3 others shared this.
2013-06-09T16:13:56+00:00 in Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires F.D., Argentina via web To: Public
sudo apt-get (auto)clean house ?