Joshua Gay joshuagay@identi.ca
New Haven, CT. USA.
I'm interested in free software & free textbooks. I live in New Haven, CT USA.
JanKusanagi jankusanagi@identi.ca
Between Jabberia and the Pumpiverse!
Developer of the Dianara pump.io client. Mageia GNU/Linux + Plasma user. I also use Debian GNU/Linux and Archlinux. Jabber/XMPP chatter, Pumper, C/C++/Qt coder. Pump.io User Guide: https://pumpio.readthedocs.org/en/latest/userguide.html Users by language: https://github.com/e14n/pump.io/wiki/Users-by-language Some tips: http://communicationfreedom.wordpress.com/2014/03/17/pump-io-tips/ And if your Pump.io server is identi.ca, check this out: https://identi.ca/jankusanagi/note/IpfiW7kBQYuXt6H7odMzQQ This is a secondary account to jankusanagi@datamost.com, so you should probably follow that one.
ZaharMegaHuy ZaharMegaHuy@1realtime.net
julian correa juliancorrea@pumpdog.me
male . july 12 1986 . **** " all my original data uploaded is placed in public domain … no rights reserved " please use it …:) https://pod.geraspora.de/posts/986497 i try not to lie , i wanna be happy , im afraid of the mirror , i like uncooked food , i want to be without fear !! http://www.youtube.com/user/juliannevillecorrea #12 picket road camp #belgaum 590001 #karnataka #india +918312433071 +919019207770 http://www.facebook.com/4joules http://in.linkedin.com/in/juliannevillecorrea http://www.facebook.com/juliannevillecorrea https://twitter.com/correajulian https://diasp.org/u/juliancorrea http://thepiratebay.org/user/julian_c http://www.youtube.com/user/juliannevillecorrea Location belgaum india 590001 Gender male Birthday July 12 1986
Michael Downey downey@identi.ca
Portland, Oregon, USA
Community management professional, digital activist, & cause builder. Open Source Director of Community for Digital Impact Alliance at United Nations Foundation.
Fernando dos Santos ferox@identi.ca
Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Hacker. Open Source Specialist. Fedora Ambassador.
Brandon Invergo brandoninvergo@microca.st
Cambridge, UK
Multi-adjective biologist, GNUisance http://brandon.invergo.net
Sajith Sasidharan sajith@microca.st
Just this guy, you know. https://nonzen.in/
darklinkxxxx darklinkxxxx@hotpump.net
Adonay Felipe Nogueira adfeno@identi.ca
Balneário Camboriú, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Forna forna@pumpdog.me
Bass player for Southbay, Product Design student, Trisquel user and Italian translator. Contact: - email and jabber: forna@member.fsf.org - GPG key fingerprint: 7C37 87E1 9BAF B180 9B2A BD90 2B7F D86B F47B B716 You can find good Rock Music: https://goblinrefuge.com/mediagoblin/u/southbayrock/ or https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAlQneFC62LGCDmCmAlGJKg