Jason Self

Jason Self at

Interesting that Trump & others want to complain about voting fraud when it comes to losing the Presidency but not when it comes to votes that are in their favor for the Senate, even though these are all being cast from the very same ballots.


Somebody please throw this clown into some river... ๐Ÿ™„

JanKusanagi at 2020-11-11T15:19:58Z

The most bothersome anomaly is what seems to be an exceedingly high number of under votes for down ballot questions.  There apparently werenโ€™t split tickets as much as people have been thinking.  There are more questions than the presidency on the ballot paper and I find it very strange that so many would only vote on the presidency and leave the rest of it blank.

Stephen Michael Kellat at 2020-11-11T16:04:28Z

my test didn't work...if you guys didn't see my post before I deleted them, I can report

Doug Whitfield at 2020-11-11T22:15:24Z